Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Harassment By Doctor and Star of David Nurse & More Evidence Against Justin Titus

They all harass me.

But now, I went back to the clinic, reporting my migraine pain had gone down, but I was there for anxiety more than anything.

Dr. Fiedler refused to treat me. Then, this nurse who removed her name tag but was wearing a silver Star of David pendant was REALLY nasty to me. She told me to sign this form and then yanked the pen out of my hand so fast and with such a viciousness, it broke (the pen).

I only noticed the Star of David pendant after she did this and it was hidden beneath her smock. I said I liked I liked it and she just sneered at me and ripped the form out of my hands. I say Star of David only because I'm reluctant to assume she's Jewish just because she's wearing a necklace, just like you can't assume someone is Christian (or acts like it) if they're wearing a cross. But she had very short curly hair, round face and sort of more pug nose and was shorter than me.

Next to where Dr. Fiedler wrote "migraine headache" I was trying to write "anxiety" because this is what he refused to treat. I told him I had anxiety from the treatment by clinics today (naturally) and he didn't want to acknowledge this.

I specifically told him the main issue at this point was anxiety. He wanted me to do a urine test again, before doing any preventative treatment for the return of my migraine. I told him I wasn't doing a pregnancy test when I wrote on the medical form I wasn't pregnant and that is what they should go by.

He said I'd written it on my blog so they were going by that. I said this is not an accurate form of documentation to go by legally.

He said he was going to go by this. When I told him anxiety treatment wasn't contraindicated, he said he refused to treat me for anxiety.

I said "Oh? What's your angle for that?" and he said, "You don't have distress or anxiety. You have a personality disorder and are emotionally unstable and your BLOG shows this."

(the same blog he and his nurses want to use for any evidence about anything in my life at all, without verifying anything)

I think they wanted to find a way not to treat my migraine, which was bad this morning, or looked like it would be heading into a bad one. They wanted to keep me from filing anything in court which would prove a lot of people liars. They don't want me to have access to the records, or to have a public defender or a way to defend my case.

I think they also wanted to claim if my migraine was so bad, how could I function today? when I have migraines of varying degrees and at different stages? The migraine I had the day of hearing, I could not function. I went home and went to bed. The migraine I had this morning, interrupted what I was doing, but it wasn't that bad and I told the nurses and doctors this, but I wanted to have it treated before it DID become an issue. After taking 5 advil all at once, it was a little better and maybe because I caught it in time, which I've been able to do in the past with migraine. If I take Advil early, I can sometimes get rid of one, but I didn't have any Advil at my house. So I took some from someone who gave me a bunch as I was leaving the Central Washington Clinic.

All that these people are doing, is trying to block me from access to court, smear my name, and then try to claim or deny they are intentionally TRYING to inflict emotional distress.

Also, I found out today that someone entered a brand new document into the Wenatchee Valley Clinic system, newly scanned something in that wasn't there before. For Justin Titus, and where usually the person who scanned it, will stamp it with their name, there was no such stamp.

This document WAS a release form, which I signed when I retained Justin, and yet he CLAIMED, to me, that he didn't have such a release and had no way of getting my records. It never showed up until a few days ago.

Regardless, I have email from him where he contradicts everything. He pretty much contradicts himself and the record as well.

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