Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Homeless Break

I actually enjoyed this one homeless guy, I found him personable but after getting this migraine out of nowhere, again, and then having people in the town seeming to know it was coming...I had to say no tonight.

I just needed a night to see how things are without him here, even though he brought some really nice things for me. I had to ask him why he thought of giving me gum the night before. The night before I got a migraine when my last migraine, I had to chew gum because my ears were also popping.

He was walking next to me for a short time and I started feeling the migraine return. That's after it was gone pretty much, and I think all that Advil did the trick.

He was in the Army for 14 years and also said he knew street people and law enforcement too. It sounded like he had problems but also defenders, from all sides. I thought he was fun to talk to, but I just had to say wait and at least give it a night or so. If he'd stayed and it had anything to do with him, it would have been harder to figure out because it would appear to be a rebounder. So I have to see if I am free of migraine first and then I would be willing to risk my health if something should happen because it would be more out of the ordinary and easier to spot as such.

I thought it strange today that when I was being kicked out of the WVC, Dr. Gotthold and the chef came out. The chef! WHY? Why the chef? I had given this elderly man my cup of caffeinated coffee when I noticed the canister was empty and told him I would take decaf and he could have my cup. So he said thanks and then later the decaf was gone so I went to the cafe and they said they'd make me a complimentary americano. I wasn't paying really close attention but I thought things were fine. The Chef kept saying "thank you" like for something serious but I thought he had just noticed or heard that I was polite with the elderly man. I had taken one sip and then for some reason, I waited and saved it until I threw it out in a bathroom.

So were they trying to make it look like it might have had something to do with that coffee? or was there something wrong with it afterall? because I know with one sip, it couldn't have done much. It was one or two sips most. I drank that much maybe 24 hours before I got the migraine but when the Army guy was here, he brought me bubblegum and when I woke in the morning with migraine, and he was up all night on his computer, I didn't assume anything but I wondered.

And then it was very clear that people expected me to have to be going to the ER for migraine that day.

I guess what made me decide to take a night off from housing homeless was the fact that my migraine had been mild but I caught it and then it was gone. It didn't come back until the Army guy was there. I thought this was very weird. It just returns when he's around? It was almost instant. He had candles and bath supplies and toiletries for me and I just said, "So why did you decide to give me bubblegum?" and he said he didn't know. I said, "Well, I'm going to have to say no for tonight." After I was away, I had no more migraine. It's remotely possible that someone nearby could do something (?) with technology from a distance to trigger one, but I just had to wait on it.

Also, I had wondered, because...well, I saw some people looking in the window on the day I first sat down with him and I could point one of the guys out if he's still in town. Tall, very dark hair, thin, narrow face, and distinctive features (won't go into detail). I wondered why that particular man should look happy or excited to see where I was sitting.

Anyway, this homeless former Army guy gave me gum and then a can of SPAM, the day before I got migraine.

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