Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Housemate Hell

I quote, direct quote, from one housemate:

"You'd better not be drinking my juice you fucking retard, or I'll call the cops."

I said nothing and shut the door.

He and his girlfriend, who have the neglected baby, literally came downstairs into my apartment when I was on the telephone with someone and knocked. They're not even supposed to be in my apartment unless it's their laundry hours and they came downstairs to knock. So I put the person on hold for a minute and opened the door and they're standing there, I think they just wanted to be seen, and had their arms folded, both of them, and standing there in black and white and grey and black stripes and said, "Did you leave dirty dishes in the SINK?"

I stared at them. I had steamed/sauteed some asparagus with garlic, ginger, and tarragon and used 1 pan and put it in the sink with soapy water in it to sit for a little bit. The other dishes were not mine.

Just the fact they would come down to harass me over something like this is unbelievable.

I just said 1 pan was mine and they wanted to stand there and argue more and I shut the door.

They go out of their way to intentionally pick fights and in return I've been nice enough to even cover for them on something which seemed petty but could have been made into a big deal for them.

I avoid them at all costs. If they are around, I will not even go upstairs, even though I have a right to use the stove now and then. I absolutely stay away but they go out of their way to just be obnoxious. Their baby was crying again and it's no wonder, with all of the negative energy. It's not like a baby doesn't know or can't sense things aren't right.

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