Thursday, March 11, 2010

I Have 5 Surrogates Now, Seeking Intended Parents

I know have about 5 surrogates with me, tentatively. I have done some phone screenings and have to set up face to face interview, get records and schedule appointments for a few other things.

What we really need now, are some good intended parents! If you ARE one or know of one, please let me know.

My business email address:

In my last post, I wrote about what separates a good gestational carrier from an average one.

Her argument was that gestational carriers, women who are just used for their womb (the sperm and egg are donated so not a part of the woman's genetic material) don't get paid as much and that what matters is experience, not educational background.

For traditional carriers, where parents are selecting GENETIC material, the argument is that then they look at education because they're estimating how smart a woman is and therefore how smart the baby might be (which is actually ridiculous in some regards, because some people who never have a chance to be educated properly are very smart, inately and naturally have high intelligence). So I made a little bit of my argument known.

I have people, I'm finding, who want my fucking DNA.

You're not getting it. My genes are not for sale and if they were, they would be worth a hell of a lot. Someone will have to fucking marry me to get to the golden egg. And that will come with it's own set of risk (of course! ;)).

I'm willing to be a smart womb for someone, and that's it. For the other women, it's up to them and I would encourage them in whatever direction they wish to pursue.


Anonymous said...

Why do you call yourself a God fearing person, pretending you love God and that you are doing his work and such, when you use such foul language? I don't think that makes you sound very Christian, but then maybe that is just me. I just think you can get your point across without using such language.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

God fearing is demonstrated by actions and it shows when one prefers to obey ones conscience rather than the human majority. As for your claim that I "pretend" to love God, it seems you believe that you are omniscient and can ascertain the matters of someone's heart. Using swear words does not negate love.

Jesus called a lot of people names, "hypocrites" "vipers" and probably worse. I suppose you think his table turning wasn't very Christ-ian either, when actually it was Christ that was showing the way in the flipping tables category.

I think it is just you. Because there are a lot of people who know that God is not insulted by random swear words as much as he is insulted by corruption, uncharitableness, malice and hostility, avarice, and other things which are really bad.

I think it's true, that the same point could be made without language, but as an english lit major and a music lover, I have an appreciation for the way words ring and if I throw one in now and then, it's because I like the sound, not because I am the devil's spawn.

Thanks for your comment!

Anonymous said...

How much of a profit can one make from this?

Mama said...


It depends! Every agency varies and the intended parents and surrogates will all come to different understandings within range.

Surrogates might do this for free (I have actually seen a couple of ads, but wondered what the motive was...I mean, it's not exactly "locks of love") or the compensation may go as high as $60,000 not including other fees, allowances, and costs.

For a first time gestational carrier, I think the average range is $20,000-$40,000 but that's through an agency and maybe it would be higher for the surrogate if other costs were not going to the agency. Then again this usually doesn't count the allowance per month, the clothing allotment, and other expenses. All medical and legal expenses are the responsiblity of the intended parents/agency.