Thursday, March 11, 2010

Why Good Gestational Carriers Should Earn Top $

This is a copy of my argument for paying even gestational surrogates well, and how a good carrier is worth more than even an experienced carrier. I wrote this and then thought, I said a lot of this cannot be "learned" in a few months, but I was thinking I could probably give classes or newsletters about some of the things I know and pass on what I know to other surrogates so they can do the same and be top rate surrogates.

RE: Surrogacy‏

Hi (name ommitted),

This is my argument as to why I'm a better gestational carrier than even an experienced gestational carrier. What I do not know, admittedly, is about taking medications and shots. However, anyone with even a small brain can usually follow directions.

As for not having my child living with me, this is irrelevant as to whether or not I take care of my body and care of a child and know how to bring the best science and nutrition to the table. I wouldn't be caring for the child outside of the womb, but within, and what matters most in that situation, is what kind of nutrition and fitness the carrier is giving the child.

What I know, which sets me apart, is the science and research about what a baby needs, statistically, to develop the brightest brain it can, and the healthiest body too.

Any parent who would be AGAINST organic foods, isn't a very educated parent. Eating organic foods is not being vegetarian or vegan. It means one is eating foods which are not contaminated with any kind of pesticides or chemicals or growth horomones which are unnatural, and, added up, affect the most sensitve body there is--that of the unborn fetus. What does not harm a 2 year old, or an adult, can sometimes still affect a fetus, which is why there is such a high rate of miscarriage to begin with.

When you count the accumulation of pesticides, chemicals, growth horomones, and even additives to foods, all these things go straight to the fetus which never had a chance to deveop immunities to these things. So what I know, is that it's better to be safe than sorry.

What I also know, which most surrogates do not, is that carrying a child is not just eating 3 square meals a day and sitting in front of the television. This is not going to allow the child to be the BEST that IT can possibly be.

Science and studies have proven that mothers who exercise increase the oxygen and blood flow to the brains of the fetus and these babies have been found to have higher I.Q.s and health. Increased oxygen stimulates child and adult minds, and the baby's mind as well.

Well is also not considered, is how Omega 3 and other fats are GOOD, an absolute must for the developing brain. I have done a ton of research and most surrogates are not going to know the first thing about Omegas, and then if they do, they won't know what the best sources are, and if they do, they might not understand how DHA should have a specific proportion to AHA and how if the AHA is higher than the DHA, it offsets a delicate balance. It can cancel out the good of one thing from the other.

Most surrogates do not know the first thing about organics, and how the worst foods to eat non-organic are meats, because contaminants accumulate in the fats. They are also found on certain fruits and vegetables more than others.

Some surrogates might drink orange juice once a day and call it good. What they don't know, is that it's almost worthless as a whole food source coming from a concentrate, and that it is much more nutritional to eat an orange than it is to just drink the juice.

Most likely, most surrogate will have no idea that the fetus has ear buds which can hear by approximately 8 weeks, and that playing music or singing will stimulate and help develop the intellect. Most surrogates will also not care about responsive and interactive games one can play with the unborn, for example, studies show that mothers who tap back, to the taps of a baby, will sometimes find the baby to be responsive in a rhythmic sense. 3 taps from baby means mother taps on her belly, back to baby, 3 times, and this form of communication and acknowledgement of the intelligence of the child they are carrying goes much farther than we know.

I could go on. But to sum it up, there are a lot of great incubators out there, sure. But the same fetus inside of this experienced surrogate's belly might only acheive an I.Q. of 10 points less than it could have attained through distilled and purified cod liver oil and other good care, such as oxygen stimulation, and all the things I've mentioned. Education makes a difference for the gestational carrier too, because they are more likely to know about some of these things, or be interested in learning. It's not that I care more, or am any better, but that I have learned more and accumulated a lot of wisdom over the years.

And I do care, and this shows, because most surrogates and even some moms, will never pick up a book to try to learn what to do and how to do the best job they can, because they either think it makes no difference, or, they don't care enough to put some effort into it.

That is why I am worth more, in general, and why some parents, who also know these things, would be impressed with me and prefer to have me over another carrier, because they will know they can trust and rely on my education and knowledge to equip me with what it takes to go the extra mile and not just stay in the basic safety slog zone.

Some parents will pay TOP dollar for this, if they can afford it, they will. You could teach anyone what medication to take for a couple of months. But you can't cram 2 decades of reading child development magazines as a nanny, a minor in science, and 1 year of research about prenatal care and neurology in a few months.


Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 18:16:50 -0500
Subject: Re: Surrogacy

Hi Cam,

If you were a TS, you might get more due to your educational level, etc. but just not something that raises the fee of a GS. You could probably consider being an Egg Donor and get maybe $8k per donation (you can do about 3 per year).

You just have to ask yourself why would IPs pay (amount undisclosed) for a first time surrogate when they can pay less and have an experienced surrogate? An experienced Surrogate knows that she can give herself the injections, do what she needs to do to have a healthy baby, and most importantly know that she can leave the hospital empty handed.

It will be tough for you to find a match...I won't say impossible though. Not all IPs like their surrogate having an organic diet either.

You also have other things working against you such as being in a stressful situation...being without your son and getting into a court battle. Most IPs won't even work with you if you don't have your child living with you.

I will keep you in mind though.

God bless!
(name ommitted)

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