Thursday, March 18, 2010

Illegal Phone Surveillance

I decided to put my other posts away bc they're not relevant and I don't have enough information for making judgements yet.

When I talked to the counselor, she was fine over the phone. She took a lot of time to listen and sounded reasonable. I wrote about her and then went for a walk and that's what bothered me more I guess.

I blogged in the last post that there was an echo the whole time I talked to her and that my conversation was probably recorded because I don't always have that. But then I was wondering if she didn't record anything and it was just an echo from interference that was closer to home.

I told her this short anecdote about when I thought I was buying this Eddie Baeur dress and it wasn't. She laughed. Then I went for my walk, and at least 3 or 4 guys passed me, in sweatshirts, that said, "Eddie Baeur".

People are getting all of my info but it's being done illegally. Maybe legally too, maybe I'm tapped, who knows. But there are people getting my info illegally.

There's no way NSA or FBI or CIA is getting my info out there that fast or would even care to do it. Not unless one was actually working with locals or passing it on. But I think it's more localized.

This is also happening with all of my visits with my son. None of them have been kept confidential.
On a separate note, it sort of makes me think about The Patriot Act and how far government employees can take this. What I mean is, if you don't have to get a court order or go through some kind of you? I don't know. Because I'm thinking, it's good to have immediate access to very important info, but what if you have people in positions who just want to use this liberty for other things?

I don't think that's what's going on here, but it would be easy to do and there would be no law against it. But that's a totally separate issue.

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