Friday, March 19, 2010

Intuition Good Today

I have no idea why so many out-of-towners again but tons today. Why isn't anyone working on a Friday?

I feel like there is at least one person in town who is a remote viewer. Don't ask me how I know.

I have had a few images today, without trying. One, while talking to a guy who showed me a place. I saw him in a motor boat. Then, this woman who was a cashier, I saw her riding horses.

Both said it was true. The guy owns a motor boat and she said she hadn't gone for awhile but used to ride all the time.

I wasn't trying to get any impressions at all. They just popped up. So it felt very fluid and not forced. I don't feel the way I felt where there was this extremely tight period where I was literally being bomborded with images and I am absolutely positive it was from pros, who do this on a very high level, and I can't describe it to the normal people except to say it was exhausting and intense, and I had so many images.

Right now, it doesn't feel that way, like someone is trying to project images for me to receive, it feels more natural, like it's just naturally up for me to see. But I have this hunch that someone very intuitive is in town.

Also, I felt the emotions of someone today, whereas I don't always. I felt sadness.

There's a bet going on today. Some new bet that might take a little time, but a bet nonetheless. And there is probably going to be a fight too, as usual, because it's Friday if not Saturday.

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