Monday, March 29, 2010


guckenheimer came to mind but i have no idea why, or what it is in regards to.

I guess incidentals would be that I said, out of the blue the other day: georgie porgie, pudding pie...

that rhyme and didn't know why and then the next george I came across was The Madness of King George and I think before I came up with the verse, I'd read something online in an article about how Charles liked him. I agree. I saw the movie a very long time ago (at least 10 years or more) and thought it was excellent and probably it wasn't as bad as they make it out to be and part of it could have been physical and the rest, wasn't so bad. At least more interesting and not boring, like most artistic types. then, i almost chose a curious george book for my son for this visit. it was george, george, george for a couple days.
i got an image tonight, while writing my post about my visit and then moving down, and I don't know who it was but it was a woman, young woman, sobbing and tearing at a cloth with her teeth. what time is it? i don't know. roadshow is on channel 9, house is on 8 and cbs sitcom that was playing mozart's "turkish march" when i was blogging about it, was channel 7. so whatever time THAT is, is what time it is. it didn't seem like a dangerous situation, more like tearing a shirt with teeth that she's wearing and brought up to her mouth or tearing at a pillow case somehow. very aggravated and sobbing. sort of a rounder or squarish face. dark hair or brown hair i think and teens to 20s. it wasn't anyone from royalty or connected with royalty that i've seen at least, just to say so, so it's clear. i couldn't see the face, as usual, just sort of this fuzzy shape and hair and what she was donig but it was very quick, lasting just seconds. the only reason i clarify is because i was just posting about some of that stuff and joking around. so i didn't want to then go to the images and have someone or anyone think it has anything to do with, at least i don't think so...

but it was definitely sort of a style of crying and frustration. I mean, not everyone greives or expresses emotion this way. it crossed my mind to wonder "past" or "present" and i felt, at least, that it was of someone who is about this age at present but it had also flickered in my mind to be about someone who was that age, when she...oh something came to mind but i just don't know so i cannot guess anything at all. i can only say what i saw and i don't know the rest. heaving, sobbing, anguish though, and trying to control it maybe, with this form of tearing with her teeth against cloth. the hair was either pulled back but sort of full around the face or shoulder length or maybe shorter? I didn't really get the impression of longer hair but maybe it was pulled back. i saw the image face on, face towards me but not seeing me. but we were face to face and it was like i wasn't there, i just saw.

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