Monday, March 29, 2010

Thought About A Glass Of Wine

I thought about having a glass of wine, very small amount, and decided against it. I poured it out and then poured it right back. I have been told I could help myself to any liquor or wine after it's been opened but I am not sure if that is a good idea when I am making it a policy not to drink or consume anything that's opened already, no matter what it is!

I could definitely use a glass and think it's beneficial in very small amounts, and in Europe it's no big deal, to have a sip or so in very small minor amounts, but I think it's probably best not to.

During my pregnancy with my son, I didn't have a drop, and I also didn't even have coffee at all. I've decided a small amount of coffee is okay but that's probably it.

I also think I have to get the restriction not to drink eliminated because I have NEVER been an alcoholic or had a problem with drinking and I don't even have an addictive personality type as I quit smoking all on my own, which is reportedly the most difficult habit to break of all the habits. I feel that telling an adult woman, through a court order, not to have a glass of wine is completely a violation of my basic rights when there is zero evidence to support the necessity. It is not as if I need to be in AA and abstain for life because there is zero documentation of alcoholism in ME or in the family

I wonder at why my last lawyer didn't even attend to some of the most basic details such as: "do you drink or do drugs? do you smoke?" and then look at what's written about me. He had a clean hair analysis from me and did NOTHING with it.

I mean, the hair analysis was CLEAN. There are so many things he had information for making motions with, and he did nothing.


I had a totally clean record for hair analysis, not even showing for any narcotics when I have to go to ER for DHE and 2 vicodin per time, and Michelle Erickson tried to dirty up my record by claiming going to the ER for migraine was for "drug seeking" purposes when they KNOW I have migraines. So it was just one more proof of discrimination against me for disability of migraine.

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