Monday, March 29, 2010

Visit With Son (Skippyjonjones, Mozart, & Pooh)

My son had two small round parallel marks on his left knee and then one small picked off piece of skin up higher by his left ear. I would have thought the mark on the knee was normal until I saw the mark near his ear. He also had some small mark on his chin. I don't know what that was from. He also had a piece picked off of one of his fingers.

Of course, no one in the state cares. They let all these things happen and just want my rights to be terminated and promise my aunt and uncle and family that everything will be fine. Next thing they want to do, is move in on my family and my family is too confident and intimidated to believe me.

His speech was much better. He sounded more like he had been going through some of the other stuff with non-lethal weapons. He seemed to be happy this morning. To me, he still showed signs of brainwashing and I also saw all kinds of things laid out in the visitation room again, just like there was last time and every time.

I would like to know why this country is allowing this, and why the FBI is not directly involved at this point. If they are not doing anything about it, it's because they're corrupt.

Last visit, was the "king" visit where everything laid out was like a farewell to some kind of royalty theme. My son wore a shirt with royal lions on it and then on the inside it said "made in pakistan".

Today was the Forest Tancer and Joy Sterling day I guess, where everything was about trees and a tree again and horses. Oh, but throw in the number "5" for good measure for everything. I have no idea who comes up with this stuff. I'm not blaming this family I just mentioned either. I'm just saying what is going on.

There were basically, what I took to be thinly veiled threats in the room as well. Some stuff about the "elephant treed" when the people in this town have joked about how I wore the elephant mask for my Cyrano act in jr. high. Then, there was the Bambi book sticking out with a fawn. Two Little Mermaid books on display. Not one, but two. Because I need to see The Little Mermaid more than once I guess, and be reminded of what was done to my voice. Someone in a state office did this.

The main things my son did which were obviously something he was coached to do, was someone told him to ask me to "Scratch my back". Not "rub my back" but "scratch my back". This isn't something he came up with on his own, or my aunt and uncle came up with. And he kept saying he wanted horses (the toy horses) to kiss him. He looked like he was almost falling asleep when I was scratching his back and then he was wide awake. Just like this little girl from the preschool with the Strawberry Shortcake doll who asked me to rub her back.

My son definitely had better speech, or clarity of mind. But I still wondered about a couple of other things. He was dressed in all blue basically and then wanted his jello and showed me there were 2 gingerbread men and 1 tree. Whatever that's supposed to mean, because the landlord had positioned 3 large logs in my apartment and then took one upstairs at some point. And in the last visit, a red piece of paper was positioned on the ground, and a blue piece of paper, but the yellow piece was way over on the other side next to the wall. But someone had purposefully put paper out like that, and then had all the animals together except the blue plane and the yellow chickie I think, were turned over like they crashed.

The monitor today was wearing brown shoes and then a black pullover that said "Calvin Klein" on the side.

I gave my son a seeded dandilion to blow out and he wanted me to help so we blew it out together. Then I gave him some yellow tulips I found along the side of the road, in the public way (not from a yard) with a little green trim (a yellow & greenish succulent). I brought him the book "Skippyjonjones in the doghouse" and he was very excited about this. I also brought a Mozart CD. It had:
1. Eine kleine Nachtmusik: 1. Allegro (Boston Symphony/Erich Leinsdorf)
2. wouldn't play
3. Laudate Dominum: Lucia Popp/Munich Radio Symphony/Kurt Eichhorn
4. Turkish March/Rondo alla turca: Walter Hautzig (one of my personal favorites!)

Before I continue, I have to interupt, as I found this piece-- (don't know who it's by) of Turkish March. I listened to these pieces while pregnant with my son and he seemed to like them and be perked up by them. He lost some interest but when I was conducting with imaginary sticks and da-dah-dahing along with the music, he had big smiles. Then I whistled along with the Turkish March.

I just looked it up, and it's by maybe an unknown (sort of?) from China who lives in Canada. Very good! The word that came to mind after hearing it to the end was "splendid" and where I got that word I don't know...I don't use it myself. But it just popped to mind as the perfect adjective. I can sense the emotion or feeling in this rendition, very bright and cheerful.

I think this one and the nachtmusik are great for kids. I also liked the laudate dominum which I wasn't really familiar with. It's all from this RCA Victrola CD: The Best Of Mozart.

So we listened to some pieces and then he wanted the book so I read it and then he wanted me to use the animals to play with. So he asked me to scratch his back and I did and he almost fell asleep. Then I read the book to him again from last time, about the mummy. And then I got the CDs out for the books and he was very happy to hear them and flip through at the same time. Then he showed me his jello and liked this a lot and then we were in the bathroom drying his pants which got wet and then we were back in the room and I found a Winnie-the-Pooh card matching game and he made all the matches and liked doing this a lot. I would say, "a hammer for the..." and he would say, "nail!" and I would say, "honey pot for..." and he would exclaim "pooh!" He got very upset when I "helped him find something". He didn't want my help or for me to make it easy for him. He wanted to do it himself.
I just listened to the first clip I selected of cosi fan tutte: saove sia il vento:
I think I skipped past this in our visit maybe because it was more sad and not as bright for my visit with him. It was the 5th song and then it was:
6. Piano Concerto No. 20 in D Minor: lll. Rondo. (this is minor key but doesn't feel as sad to me, as cosi fan tutte)
7. Symphony No. 41 in C "Jupiter": IV. Molto Allegro

I think that's as far as we got. Here's the first rendition I clicked on:
It's good. I started to laugh when reading some of the comments posted.

Anyway, at about this song I think, he turned it off. I wasn't sure why he kept turning it off. He really enjoyed it and this was evident but, I don't know. It sounds weird, but it didn't seem like something he would do. Anyway, then he was nodding his head to some of the music in the skippyjonjones book and it was a bossa nova style and I said I'd bring some of that next time. I sort of feel like he's been coached not to enjoy music with me.

Because some of our strongest bonding moments were while we sang, danced to music, or listened to music together. He would sob when he had to leave and then the monitors and CPS took the music box out of the room. It was there until music became too much of a threat I guess.

So, seriously, they took it away and said they didn't have one anymore. Almost half a year later I see it in the other rooms now and then and then it was there. But my son started using strange behavior of saying "no music" or "no singing!" and literally, I feel he was coached to this.

He's probably been in a fucking CIA style cuban prison between that daycare and whatever happened there and then the house. I mean, what the hell? He goes from being absolutely fanatic and enthusiastic about music to acting very strange about it, but it was after they took the music box away from our visits.

He would cry and not want to leave and was becoming more and more affectionate and bonded, and looked forward to it as much as I did, and then someone decided they would take that from us because it was actually developing and nurturing our bond and providing something that was probably missed at home. They didn't want me and my music winning over the affections of my son.

So I still sang with him after they took it away but then he started acting brainwashed.

As a matter of fact, when I brought in our own box eventually (bc I didn't have one to bring for a long time) or radio, they would tell me to turn it almost all the way off, claiming it was "too loud" and they would tell me not to sing, saying the other workers complained it was "too loud".

These workers at CPS have done everything in their power to try to BREAK our bond. They went out of their way even, and not once, have I seen instances of good faith at reuinfication and honesty. Not once.

Oh, at one point he was talking about the horses a lot and he wanted them to be flying so I had the horses flying all over the place. Then I sang the songs, "Oh Susanna" and then "She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain (when she comes)".

Oh, and I thought about the car from the Cheerio box, and took it out and my son and I tore off the wrapper and then he put the shell stickers on it.

What I also found disturbing, was that no matter how many times I said it was a seashell, he kept saying "fish" and it is a kind of fish but usually he accepts correction and it was more like someone had drilled this into his head. In the past, too, he's known the difference between a shell and a crab and a fish. So I thought it was odd that he was prepared with this alternate idea. I took it out of the Cheerio box and seriously, I question what my level of privacy has been in this house. I took it out in the kitchen. I didn't bring it out on the "king shirt" day, or royalty shirt (I stand corrected) day, bc I forgot about it and brought it out today instead, after getting my nice little reminder spam mail a day or two ago. Yes, the Cheerio box was completely sealed, top and bottom. I double-checked. I don't remember what the point of the Shell station was really. I actually forgot. When I think of that kind of a shell though, I think about Diana.

I'm a WITCH! or the CIA is secretly conspiring to make me Queen at the chagrin of Mossad! Or no! they're working together to drive me nuts! wheeeeee! I'm joking but for some reason I feel sad to write this.

I really don't know who is trying to help and who is just screwing me over. I felt very good and strong energy during the visit with my son and for some reason, during the Turkish March. Last week too. Of course, in general with my son. But there have been times I've felt sadness.

I don't think feeling sadness means it's wrong or bad. Maybe it's just picking up on something.
I just want to say, I don't orchestrate my life or try to navigate anything other than the mess with my son. If I wear something, it's random. If I pick something out, like the CD and book, it's random or with normal thoughts in mind--I knew my son likes skippy so I got another one. I didn't read it first to think about how it will sound to the world which somehow gets all my info. I had just been blogging about the turkish march and it came on t.v. on the channel I was on (click, to new channel). I was actually going to get the 3 tenors bc my son and I watched this and he liked them, when we were together--he seemed fascinated and sat watching them sing through the whole thing. But I couldn't find it so I grabbed the first Mozart CD I found.

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