Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lebanese Man Accused Of Sorcery

I read this because of people recently (joking or not) calling me a witch. I'm not. I don't even practice the traditional "fortune teller" stuff at all.

I hope he'll be pardoned, because I hope the Saudis or whoever will realize there is a very real "gift" or different "gifts" that people can have, no matter what their beliefs and honestly, well, in christian theology, if God can use a donkey to speak to people, he can use anyone and anything. I also think it's part of the human psyche, that we really have a lot more to tap into and usually it's by letting go and allowing oneself to be wrong, we can get to this. The remote viewers say it can be practiced and greater skill acheived.

Some push the gifts away, and others try to practice it only in private. To do it right though, you need to get feedback and try to verify it, whenever possible. And to do this, I now understand where it's acceptable to be paid for your time. Not that you would charge someone if it just comes automatic and you know you have to say something.

Anyway. I guess I will show off my spam from shell station. The visitation monitor already made notes of the car I gave my son.

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