Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spoke With Police Officers

I wanted to ask about the boundaries of harassment in different forms so I asked to talk to an officer. This one guy showed up and when he did I said I wasn't saying anything to him. He said don't call on his shift then. I said, "What's your shift? morning AND night?" because he's been around different times.

He was one of the officers present who arrested me on false charges the day before I was training for a new job, which is when my purse was taken and videocam footage deleted and removed. He was also around for other things. And I noted that he came in, with a paper in his hand to push under my nose, saying I was getting kicked out of places and I needed "help".

I said yes, wasn't it interesting how I start getting kicked out of places when I turn the heat on and come up with evidence of corruption in the town?

I also told him I was glad he was telling me how mentally ill he thought I was, and trying to degrade me to my face, because those are the people I want to know about, because they are the ones who have something to cover.

He told me to MOVE.

This isn't the first time I've had officers try to run me out of town and tell me to move. I said I wasn't going anywhere until I had my son, and if this town didn't like that, too bad. I have more than enough evidence to clear my name and it will only be time.

He tried to say I was "delusional" for thinking my evidence was erased. I said no I wasn't and he and the female officer were the only ones taking my bag into custody. And then I said, "So you're saying it's impossible, that if YOU didn't do, SHE didn't, or someone else didn't access the evidence room?" and he said yes, that's what he was saying. I said, "Well I walked into that evidence room." He said, "YOU walked into the evidence room?" and I said, "Yes, I walked into that evidence room, and it was like THIS." (and I snapped my fingers together as I went out the door).

Anyone at any time could get into that evidence room that has access to the building. It's not exactly secured.

And it is true, that the only time I'm harassed, or when the harassment increases, is when I make a report or it's clear I have evidence about something, and people get mad because they don't want the truth to be out.

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