Monday, March 22, 2010

Lucky Guess: Identified Prosecuting Attorney

I made a lucky guess. In the post office, I walked up to a man, and said "Are you an attorney?" and somehow I knew he was but I'd never seen him before in my life.

He stood up and looked at me. I was interested in him because he clearly had an interest in me. I wouldn't know why.

But I asked him if he was a lawyer, knowing he was, but needing a confirmation and he was. I then said, "Which firm do you work at?" and he said he was a prosecuting attorney. I said, "Which one?" and he said "Jim Hersey".

I told him he looked familiar but that wasn't true. I didn't recognize him at all. I just knew that he was a lawyer somehow and wanted to test my intuition.

I didn't get a bad or good vibe, I just "knew" and I was right.

So anyway, I am hoping to find out more, with my start up of a psychic business. I don't always get the information I need, but sometimes the strangest things come to me.

I went to the post office to kill time because I had to wait until a different place opened up. So I went to the social security offices to ask about getting a W-4 if I hadn't done my taxes because I hadn't received something because I was traveling.

I went to the lobby downstairs and just walked through the hall. Plenty of people passing but the one who really "caught my attention" so-to-speak, was this Jim Hershey guy.

He didn't have a briefcase with him, or a jacket on, or a stack of folders or files. It was just him, in regular pants and shirt and everything. So I had no guesses about who he was or what he did.

I don't think he has anything to do with my life at all, and I've never met him before, but it's interesting, especially as I saw something recntly on national television, a big Hershey sign across the background.

That has nothing to do with anything but I remember wondering why a big NBC or ABC or CBS type of producer had "Hershey" across the back of their whole set up or stage. I know it means nothing. But then I meet a guy named Hershey and it's just interesting. It means absolutely nothing--it's just interesting is all.

The best part is that I knew he was a lawyer without having any way of knowing. I should have asked him if he wanted me to do a reading for him. Some people might come to me because they're curious and others might not in case I uncover something that they don't want uncovered. I had someone ask me if I didn't want to do anything about the Mackenzie case and I said not really. I think it's too dangerous I said, because sometimes I get things and I don't know why I'm getting something and then someone thinks that I know about some crime when I don't. So it puts me at risk. I might be open to it at some point, we'll see, but not right now, not unless I know it's absolutely not connectted to me in any way and I'm not sure about that with this case. Just don't know.

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