Monday, March 22, 2010

Visit With My Son

I had a good visit with my son and he seemed to be in good spirits. I can tell someone from state offices is directly interferring with my son and it's really sad. While we had a good visit, my son was so clearly brainwashed and I already know my aunt and uncle wouldn't do this. They would go out and select books that are in the state offices already and coach my son to pick them out, and say certain things. Of course he only wanted to play with things that were purple or violet too. And the books were about "Violet".

I feel very frustrated with the U.S. at this point, because at this point, I think it's totally corrupt. If this kind of thing is allowed to go on and no one is held accountable, when I'm a good mother and my son wants to be with his mother...this is just wrong.

Everything that I've had to go through is completely degrading and humiliating. I don't deserve any of it and it doesn't even apply to me. It has served only to make others who are more insecure, happy and satisfied to see me so far down. And this, on top of what kind of danger I've been in besides. For me to even have to go to pick up food, or be on any state aid, and not have a car, and be pushed out of a work, unemployment, and every imaginable things, and ALSO declared mentally ill, and told to see psychologists and psychiatrists, is totally and absolutely immoral and some of it has been illegal. It's affected my son besides. I have been pushed out of any money or means to even defende MYSELF pro se in a reasonable manner, and if I should become capable, then I have people who decide to use non-lethal weapons to prevent me from getting anything done, and that has literally happened.

What it comes down to is this. No one wants to say, "We were wrong." I have been able to take full responsiblity for myself whenever I need to and yet I have people who are incapable of taking the smallest steps torwards accountability.

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