Monday, March 22, 2010

Stalker Commenter

I have a stalker commenter and it's a woman. Dear God, she is a nightmare and she has made a ton of comments and sent another one, complaining that I never post her comments. Why? because I know they're from the same god-awful woman.

If anyone saw what she had to say, which she has no confidence to put a name to, they would probably be concerned.

She ALSO goes on to claim she's been at my aunt and uncle's or has seen him WITH them, and claims to know the situation with my Ex, and totally went off about that. She actually sounds like some girlfriend of his or just crazy lady, and makes a lot of nutty claims.

I debate about posting it, just because it shows what a terrible person she is, but I think no, that would only encourage her. AND she says "you were once really mean to me..." which is garbage. I've been "mean" to very few people in my life, and if I was, it was for a very good reason. I can't even think of anyone I've been "mean" to, a woman, other than state workers after they lied and strung my son along, or a housemate who tried to seduce my ex and then say I was psychotic, and? that would be about it.

She writes with a lot of slang, like "cuz" and other poor grammar and goes off like a mad sadist who is gnawing on a bone to forget her imagined wounded pride.

I've decided, if most of the people in this town drive by looking very approving or nodding or look delighted or mocking like they're "up" it's not good. If most of them look really pissed, I have figured out, I've done something right at this point, because for once they realize they could be brought down and might be concerned about what is to come for them.

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