Thursday, March 25, 2010

Email Probs & Blue Sox "Delivery Man"

I just found out my email is not going through as it should.

I asked someone if they'd checked their email and they said they didn't have it. So I looked in my sent box and it was successfully sent. The time laspse was over 10 minutes and she still hadn't received it.

I also had a couple of things happen today where someone altered what I was typing while I typed it.
This is a photo of the man who came to my door saying his name was "Don Jones" and he was wearing a blue sweatshirt with a white shirt underneath and then a blue and white baseball hat that said "Sox" on the front.

He said he was delivering a box of files from the lawyer. There should be far more than one box. When I was with a different attorney in town, there were at least 3 boxes or so. I highly doubt everything is there and that the audio CDs are there. I asked my attorney to obtain all of these things and he said he did and had them but I doubt everything is fitting inside one box.

I was polite, but I took his photo when he was on private property.

I don't see a hat like the one he had on for "blue sox". I just said "blue sox" because it was a navy blue hat with "Sox" across the top. But I don't see that style anywhere. I will draw a sketch of what it looked like. It's not that big of a deal, but with what the people at this firm have wanted to imply or symbolize, and with being approached with termination by a guy who is wearing the "veritas" shirt and all of this, I figure it never hurts. I found it now. It's basically the logo from the Chicago White Sox hat but he was wearing one which was blue and white instead of black and white. They also had a little figurine of spiderman lying facedown in front of their offices the other day, just put out there in the path.
(right after I posted this, it began to rain and I made my next post, but I have to keep posting on this page now, about relevant things).

So I looked at the box they put my file in and there's no way it's all there. I know they took things out. There are also no audio CDs and my lawyer told me he'd obtained all of them, for every hearing since the beginning. Everything is stuffed into a box that says on the side: Washington State Archives.

I just opened the box. Nope! No CDs!

Do people really still think this Justin was trying to help me and that this is a good firm? there is not ONE audio CD in the box or file. All it is is paper. I sent email to Justin about getting the audio CDs to everything and talked to him on the phone too and he told me he had requested all the audio CDs and had them. But they are NOT here.

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