Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Son Is Traumatized & Sobbing Now

I felt it right, but the sadness WAS my son. I called and for once someone picked up the phone and I heard my son sobbing in the background.

Pablo doesn't even care anymore. He told me he is going to do whatever he wants and has no respect that I am the mother and he is NOT Oliver's father. I said why is he crying, and he said, "He cries if he doesn't get something he wants, that's how kids are." Their parenting skills are 1/10th of mine. I am an excellent parent.

That's not how much son is. My son rarely cried with me because if we were not ill for some reason, I was doing whatever I could to explain things to him, have his needs met and be supportive. My son was crying a very sad pitiful cry, not like he just didn't get a toy and was angry. It wasn't angry crying, it was very meek and sorrowful crying. If he was crying over something he wanted that he couldn't have, it would be for his MOTHER.

So I heard this with my son where he couldn't be consoled and sounded so desperately sad, and I didn't make mention of bruises he had on his ankle again, which I saw yesterday at the visit, and I called the CPS hotline.

For the 3rd time. I got a "Melissa" from Spokane who just belittled the claim, tried to put words in my mouth and at one point, whispered over to her coworker: "It's CAaaaameo GAAAArrett." And then she comes back to the phone and tried to say she said nothing. I said someone needed to check on my son and that people like her were the reason kids die and are neglected, because she is more preoccupied with making fun of a parent and mocking them than in doing her job. She started putting words in my mouth, saying, "So you think the intelligence and the mafia and the central intelligence agency..." and I stopped her there and said, "I didn't say one word about the CIA, YOU just did." And I told her, "How would you like to know this line is tapped, legally, and that every single thing you say to me is being documented, including your belittling of this claim, putting words in my mouth, and refusing to make a proper report?"

I told her over a month ago I made a report about 3 of my son's fingers being sliced and no one did a thing. I told her people like her were part of the problem.

At the end, after she had said, "It's ccccaaaaameo gaaaarrett" to someone else, I told she should think twice if she was thinking about trying to write me up as crazy and not make the report what it is: a report about bruising on my son again and that I had just called and he was crying and someone should examine the bruises and see how he is doing.
When I've had the bad feeling in the past, I've thought it was about my son but often when I'm calling then, the phone has been taken off the hook or no one is answering.

Why someone has not done a formal investigation is beyond me. There should be tapped lines at the Avilas, and the house should be bugged as well, and if someone did their job, and did surveillance when my son was taken to different locations, they would probably make some shocking discoveries.
As for "Melissa" and the other women who have taken these complaints and done nothing, I cross my fingers on their behalf.

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