Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Notice To Lawyers Of Appeal

RE: Please Mail All Court Materials To Me‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Thu 3/25/10 11:46 AM

I am appealing the last hearing to have it heard again, with my being present. I will have medical records in hand. There is reallly no rush at this point, because for the next couple of days, this is what I have to work on. Thanks though. ;)

Request for Reasonable Accommodation for Persons with Disabilities
If you have a disability and you believe you may need an accommodation to fully and equally participate in a particular court proceeding or activity, you may request a reasonable accommodation.
To request a reasonable accommodation, complete the Request for Reasonable Accommodation Form and return it to:
Patricia Kohler, Director
King County District Court
c/o Office of the Presiding Judge
516 Third Avenue, Room W-1034
Seattle, WA 98104
Fax: 206-296-0596
E-Mail: Patricia Kohler
If you need assistance completing this form, contact Ms. Kohler.
Accommodation requests are granted to any qualified person with a disability for whom such accommodation is reasonable and necessary under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), other similar local, state, and federal laws and Washington State General Rule (GR) 33. A request will be granted unless:

It is impossible for the court to provide the requested accommodation on the date of the proceeding; and the proceeding cannot be continued without prejudice to a party to the proceeding.

It is impractical for the court to provide the requested accommodation on the date of the proceeding; and the proceeding cannot be continued without prejudice to a party to the proceeding.
You may be required to provide additional information for [the court] to properly evaluate your reasonable accommodation request. Medical and other health information submitted under form WPF All Cases 01.0300, Sealed Medical and Health Information (Cover Sheet) shall be sealed automatically. If medical and other health information is not submitted under form WPF All Cases 01.0300, Sealed Medical and Health Information (Cover Sheet), the submitter may ask the court to seal the documents later.
Generally, five day advance notice is required to review reasonable accommodation requests. However, a response to an immediate need for accommodation will be considered to the fullest extent possible.

Subject: RE: Please Mail All Court Materials To Me
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 10:20:27 -0700

Ms. Garrett
I am glad you received my last email, but you did not respond to my questions about getting your apartment number or whether you will be coming here to pick up your file. If I don't hear from you today, then we will do our best to have it delivered to you.

Andrew Kottkamp
Kottkamp & Yedinak P.L.L.C.
435 Orondo Ave.
P.O. Box 1667
Wenatchee, WA 98801
(509) 667-8667

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From: cam huegenot []
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 9:24 AM
Subject: RE: Please Mail All Court Materials To Me

Subject: RE: Please Mail All Court Materials To Me
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 08:52:23 -0700

Ms. Garrett
Yesterday the Judge denied the requested continuance and entered an order discharging this firm from representing you. We are no longer your lawyers. If you have other questions about what occurred yesterday at the hearing you missed, you should contact the Douglas County Clerk's office.
I still need your apartment number to deliver you your file, or you need to let us know that you will be coming down here to pick it up. But if we send it out for delivery, it won't be here for you to pick up so please let us know if you will be coming down here to pick it up at the office and when you will be here.

Andrew Kottkamp
Kottkamp & Yedinak P.L.L.C.
435 Orondo Ave.
P.O. Box 1667
Wenatchee, WA 98801
(509) 667-8667

This email is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and is legally privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, the reader is hereby notified that any unauthorized review, dissemination or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by email or call the sender at 1-866-441-1444 and destroy all copies of the original email.

From: cam huegenot []
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 4:10 AM
Subject: FW: Please Mail All Court Materials To Me
Importance: High

I need to know what happened.

Also, did you put in a WRITTEN request for continuance? or did you just ask, verbally?

I don't think you've made one written motion.

The most work this firm has EVER done, was in trying to copy off my file ASAP so you could dump it on me after the hearing. Your firm held onto my case to the last minute, refusing to allow me to access resources, and then dumped it, knowing I wouldn't even have a way to appeal without access to fax and printer.

It's no big secret. Everyone can see exactly what has happened. I don't think your firm has much respect. I need to know what the status of my visits is, what the Judge said and if he granted a contiuance or why not, and what happened.

I am appealing within the 7 days alloted, by at least entering my information into the record, and I have a right to appeal. I still need my file but I also need access to the printer and fax so I am able to appeal what has happened. So I will be sending over materials to be printed out as soon as I can, so I can enter them into the record.


Subject: RE: Please Mail All Court Materials To Me
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 04:04:15 -0700

You have not given me any information about what happened in that hearing. I have a right to know since I was in the ER being treated and your firm failed to properly apply for and get a continuance for me. I want a copy of the audio for the last hearing. Please let me know when you have a copy of the next audio because I am appealing to the Judge because it is the second time I was unable to attend because your firm failed to reschedule around my migraine schedule as I asked, well in advance.

I also have to have access to legal resources, one way or another and your firm blocked me from such and I was going to tell the Judge about this and how I do not want you to represent me BUT that I must have access to legal resources and the real issue was your blocking me from even representing myself. I cannot represent myself as an indigent person, without use of office resources and you've known this and blocked me from doing so. You also refused to accomodate for my migraine disability.


Subject: RE: Please Mail All Court Materials To Me
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 17:21:08 -0700

We would like to have the file materials delivered to you. Would you please let Justin know what your apartment number is for the address at 1900 Skyline Drive, Wenatchee, WA 98801. We will then arranged to have the file delivered to you.
You can also feel free to come down to the office during normal business hours to pick up the file.

Andrew Kottkamp
Kottkamp & Yedinak P.L.L.C.
435 Orondo Ave.
P.O. Box 1667
Wenatchee, WA 98801
(509) 667-8667

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