Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Court Date

I don't want this law firm and I don't want them to retain any records at all. I was pro se and they never had a right to keep my property and told me they would assist my being pro se when they didn't. However, I need someplace where I can use resources and I need an order that provides for this. This last firm was a sham and a facade to tie my hands and sit on this case until it was too late to do anything. But I have to have a way to represent myself in this matter and I didn't have an opportunity to speak to this in the last hearing. This firm took state money claiming they represented me when they did nothing. They didn't pay for anything except maybe copy costs at the end after I told them I wanted the originals not copies.

The reason I'm appealing is because I cannot go without knowing what happened at all. I asked them for audio recording and they refused to do even this, and I had no opportunity to state my case, or make any objections at the hearing, as I would have.

So for this reason, I am appealing, because I needed to be present and I also cannot be left with no legal resources by not having a lawyer. What I will have to ask the Judge, is whether it is lawful to deny me access to legal resources, when I can prove the main problem with these last lawyers was that they blocked me from getting even my own records and work done.

If they don't want to represent me, fine. But I have a right to my entire record, and I object to their having or keeping or retaining any of those records. I also object to being left with no legal representation at all, or access to represent myself pro se when what I would have asked the Judge for, was an order enforcing my right to have access to printer,, fax, and legal resources, so I am able to even defend myself pro se.

Instead of firing them, and having nothing, I would have asked the court for an order that since they are being paid to represent me, and took all that money for those 6 months, I should have had access to basic tools to make my own defense since they were not helping me. I cannot now be left with absolutely nothing when I have no financial means or resources to support my defense. If another firm or person is to be appointed, it is to be with the understanding that I will be allowed access to these same resources, so that I may represent myself pro se.

Most likely, other matters were discussed as well, which I would have objected to. And I had documents I wanted to add, but could not do so because of an ongoing serious flu which I caught after my son (and for which he also had to go to the hospital) and then a series of migraines.

I should not be discriminated against because of migraine disability which I have tried to overcome without much success. I have a huge stack of medical records which will support my history of migraine and the dates and the fact that I have requested accomodation over and over again and my request was reasonable and it has been repeatedly denied.

My own lawyers even KNOW I had migraine and yet they refuse to accomodate my request to have them ask for a copy of the audio and the paperwork from the last hearing. They also refuse to allow me access to resources for appealing to the Judge, when this was due to disability for migraine.

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