Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The "Nuts" Town

I swear to God, I hope an earthquake strikes.

This is ONE example of what I have to deal with here.

I am at my desk, working on some things and this man comes out and starts putting up long boards against the tennis fence, right in front of my window. The weirdo is out in the park, doing this. So he drives a red wheelbarrow over and sets up 4 planks.

Then, an hour later, he decides to take all of them away. He only wanted 4 there for a long period, and then he takes away the four, and sets up 10 planks against the tennis fence.

"4" and "10"...oooooh! I'm so nervous!

The people here are bona fide NUTS.

Oh, and the guy, when I took the photo, decided to run out there and act like he was putting finishing touches on things. He had 3 planks to one side and the 7 to the other side.

But I mean, the guy had completely BARE, non-painted planks against the fence. 4 of them. There was not even a good REASON to set them up there, at all. Why put up 4 planks against the fence, if you're painting them all, way over to the side? You need 4 planks way out of the way and then want to run over and grab them and add them to the stack to be painted?

People here are doing things like this ALL the TIME, and they go OUT of their way, to be IN my view, and IN my path, and to make something out of nothing all the time.

I swear to GOD! Earthquake pllleeeeeeassssseeeee! Well, at least Germany came through and stuck it to Boeing. That was sort of a quake.
I am not even kidding, the people here do this ALL the time. I think it's stupid and ridiculous and I'm GLAD I'm not a part of it and I think the sickos and mentally ill are running this and there is something very wrong with them.
The men out there left a bunch of paint just sitting out in the open where anyone could knock it over. I moved it out of the way and will take it to them if I see them. I don't know who authorized their use of the tennis court like this. Totally irresponsible. A whole bucket of paint, out in the sun and left open for anyone or any dog (this is a very dog-friendly park) to run over. I don't know the number for the club people or I'd call them. I'll just have to keep an eye out I guess. I have no idea what they were up to. They were first leaning unpainted boards against the fence, when the painting was taking place way over somewhere else, and then they're moving them around, and then painting them all and leaning them up and after they painted everything! they just leave a bucket of paint sitting out there for anyone to trip over. It's like a circus out here. They just took off, maybe for lunch? I'll have to keep my eye out, but I would like to talk to a manager bc I don't know if they're drunk or WHAT.
I saw they were back and went out to bring their paint to them and it was gone! Hmmm...how did they know? I wonder how they would know? how strange. they walked right onto private property, through a gate, and took the paint. So who would be watching me and what I do anyway? boggling. boggles the mind.


  1. When everyone around you seems nuts, you should consider the possibility that you might be the nutty one. Just my $.2 worth.


  2. Dear Herman,

    That's what they said to Galileo.

    :) Have a nice day.
