Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cheer Up (my vibe)

I wanted to say cheer up to someone but I don't know who it's intended for. I got a really bad, down, heavy and depressed feeling around 5 p.m. or so about the time I was in a church getting more food and then getting a ride. I don't know why or what it's about, but it is going to be okay. Well, and I flipped a guy off, and I'm sorry to him about that--I was pissed about other things.

There are forces of good and evil at work and I sense it. I also called to see how my son was doing and I was told he'd played and watched cartoons but I think my son is just playing by himself and watching a bunch of garbage cartoons by himself. I didn't hear his voice in the background when I called. He is like a child playing isolated around adults, with no one interacting with him. Which is WHY he has speech delays still, and will remember every word I say, because I speak to him with the respect he deserves.

I don't know what the down feeling is about, and it may be partly that someone was sad for me, knowing what schemes are being pulled against me and how I've been powerless to do anything. Or, it may be that there is some underdog or some upperdog, who knows who or what, but I could sense, to my marrow, something not right and my sympathies are with you whoever you are, and do not worry about me.

I am going to show this town a thing or two. And you can bank on that. BANK on that.

I have not been lying about the things which have happened. I haven't even been able to do any work on my own case at this house I've been at bc half the time someone was screwing with my computer and other things and I couldn't even function at all. It has been very bad. I also had a cold for a long time which set me back. These groups or persons have KNOWN what they were doing. They've known this. And yet they did it anyway because thy couldn't think of any other way to keep me down other than affecting my health and making me sound nuts at the sam time.

I don't care if you are the King of England or if you are some poor person on the other side of the world or hidden in this town, there is someone that I am very connected to, or whose energy I feel and if it's not someone in particular, it is that the general mood is wrong because bad things are happening. I felt the shift. I felt it.

But I want to say, that this is not going to keep you down. Stand firm and be confident in the good things that God can do within those who trust in him. Too many hypocrites. Some of the deepest and truest people I've ever met don't even go to church. Some do. It makes no difference and no diffrence what your religion is, if any at all. It is what is inside your hear and God does see this. Even if you do not believe, I believe in God enough for the both of us.

This world is a mess because it's a mess. Not because good people or those with integrity are failures or have done something wrong. It is okay to be offensive, if it is for a good cause. It doesn't matter if the world should even hate you, if you are following your conscience and abiding by what you feel is right and moral, and what your gut tells you, you will be okay.

And this is why I am okay,under any circumstances, and regardless of what horrible things are done.

Believe that when all else fails, there is peace and comfort in doing your best and not giving up and not giving in.

I say hold on and hold on tight.

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