Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Housemate Hell III

I am just going to keep the posts I made up. There is no point in not doing so.

I walked home and these housemates knew I was walking back and they waited for me to approach the stairs and then said, loudly, "Boy, I'm sure glad WE have OUR kid, aren't you?" and she said, "Yeah. I am." and I said nothing in return as they continued, "Have fun devil woman." and kept going on about "devil woman" and how they had their kids and I didn't. I turned around and walked back and said calmly, "God bless you and give you good in return for the evil you have done to me." and I walked away.

They continued on, with "devil woman" etc.

I suppose the "devil woman" is in reference to the fact that most people by now, know that I do have a gift, and I think those who are enemies want to twist things and try to smear me further and instead of saying I'm crazy now, they want to say I'm "devil woman" and not acknowledge that it is a gift from God, not from some negative source.

I seriously relate to the idea of Christ at times, when people alternately tried to say he was either "mad" or demon-possessed or a "sinful person" to associate with the poor and the lowly or drunken, whatever.

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