Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Docs ask if I still have a period, bring up menopause, and "grandma"

For the last two or three visits, I think actually 3 or 4 visits, for about the last 2 weeks, someone has coached my son to call ME "grandma". Not only that, this at the same time that doctors have been bringing up "menopause" to me and then, asking me "are you still having your periods?"

First of all, I have been wondering why someone has been coaching my son to call me grandma when he knows I'm mama. So I wondered what this was to imply and why someone wanted him to say this. Then I realized, just tonight, that his saying this to me, has coincided with a ton of aging ads I've had with google and yahoo and msn hotmail accounts. I noticed a HUGE increase in these kinds of ads.

Along with this, I had a medical doctor ask me almost a month ago, or bring up on his own, "menopause" and was telling me he thought maybe I wasn't having migraines as badly because I was in menopause. I thought this was a strange thing for him to say and I think one male nurse, standing in the corner alongside a door, did as well. I saw that nurse or doc, looking at him strangely, the same way I felt when I said, "Menopause? oh no, the women in my family don't go into menopause until they're in their 50s at least."

Then, I noticed no one asking me "when was your last period" when I went in for migraine. They either didn't ask about my period cycle at ALL, or they would say, instead, "Are you still having your periods?"

Today, the intake nurse asked this again. Why are they, all of a sudden, asking me "Are you still having your periods?"

I feel like some think or believe I am in menopause or should be for some unnatural reason. I am 35 and I look like I'm 26-28. I don't know other young women who are asked "Are you still having your periods."

1. My son has been calling me grandma for about 2-3 weeks. No reason, but like he was coached to do it.

2. Doctors quit asking me about my period cycles when my entire migraine history they've ALWAYS asked. For the last 2 months, it's either been nothing at all, or "ARE you still having Periods." Like, at all. Why WOULDN'T I be?

3. I have had a huge influx of aging ads accompanying my email accounts and any kind of search engine find. Mainly with my hotmail accounts.
It's odd when doctors act like you should be going through menopause or ask if you're even having periods at all (if they even ask at all). It's not normal. It seriously makes me question what is going on and why so many people, especially medical people, seem to think I shouldn't be having regular periods.

Did someone, or has someone, DONE something which should have affected my periods? That would be the only explanation. It would only make sense if people thought or believed something had happened, or had been happening, which would cause the discontinuation of my periods or cause me to age more quickly or go into an early menopause, long before I would naturally and way ahead of my family's medical patterns and history.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone did or had tried to do something. If some would try to take my voice, and did, and went to those extremes, of course someone would also try to take my fertility, if they thought it mattered in some way. Why would anyone want to take both my singing voice AND my ability to conceive?

The other day, before my visit with my son, I had a cup of coffee at the Jiffy Lube across the street, where a car was parked with a Chinese insignia of a dragon. After I drank that coffee, I used the restroom and there was blood in the toilet. This mechanic yelled after me, laughing, "are you getting our coffee?!" and I said yeah, and smiled. There wasn't a lot of blood. It was very, very, minimal. But I saved the strofoam cup with the remnants of coffee.

Not like anyone is going to investigate. Or will they? Or is justice being done in other ways because some group knows that no one in a legitimate government even cares what happens to me and my son?

I swear, if bad continues to my son or me, I really do believe I have some secret warriors who are doing their best to do good. God bless them and protect them and keep them safe as they also look out for me and my son, without even my knowledge. With no way to give thanks properly, thank you.

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