Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Prince Harry & The St. Bernard

I saw photos yesterday of Prince Harry and wondered when they were taken. Of him pulling forward as if he is pulling a sled. This dog figurine appeared in visits with my son about a week or two ago. They had it set out facing us when we walked in. A St. Bernard with a sled strapped to its shoulders. It made me wonder if this was another thing where he somehow knows, like the elves and my son's favorite song "jingle bells" or if someone set him up to it. I felt bad, seeing this photo, feeling like people are making fun and maybe they or others don't even know it. Same thing with the Queen's car not starting at the same time and day my son is coached to say "start your engines." It's not coincidence, I don't think anymore.

I'm not joking or imagining things when I say the people here have really done weird things and played mind games. I could go into a lot more detail but don't want to.

I started to cry briefly last night after a group of people used me again, drawing me in, to get their "points" and then rudely telling me I wasn't wanted. I decided I should be listing every single thing these people have been doing--following me around and centering an entire game around me. They have used me a pawn for bets and nothing else, and treated me and my son like shit. Then they expect me to keep quiet about it and act pissed when I write about them or say they're nuts. They mock me and send in notes saying, "You think it's all about you" when these people are in my face, doing things and wanting me to notice. And none of it is very nice. It's just a bunch of gaming. They treat me and my son like we are worthless--keeping us down, but then following our every move so they can watch what we do and see who gets to score next.


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