Friday, March 26, 2010

Pregnant for Surrogacy

I found out I am pregnant. I was hoping to be, to do this surrogacy thing and it was a pretty natural process, but I am and I'm giving the child up after it's born, to the intended parents. I wondered, but wasn't sure.

I especially wondered when I had so many doctors or nurses making odd comments or asking if I still had my period. I thought maybe someone knew already somehow.

I have to wait until there's a heartbeat to be paid the first check.


  1. Cameo, please don't have any more children. It's very possible you could pass your mental illness on.

  2. Anonymous,

    I do not have a mental illness and your comments are harassment.

    Please do not post comments anymore because it will be a waste of your time and I will not publish them.

    It's a little late now besides.

  3. I'm just curious, how is that statement "harassment?" (I am not the one who posted that comment.)

  4. was this a traditional or gestational?? I thought you said it is illegal in Washington state to be paid for surrogacy..are you moving out of state? Is the family who is stupid enough to allow you to carry a child for them from Washington or Idaho?? Your so good at details on other posts, where is the details of this surrogacy plan?
