Friday, March 26, 2010

My Room Trashed

I came home to find everything trashed again. Someone took things from the kitchen and put them in my room, messed up papers, threw junk all over and went through my bags again.

The kitchen was a little better but not much bc I had to clean up the junk in the sink when someone dumped food. The bathroom had a bunch of clothes that I had put there.

I should have been web streaming all along.

I don't know why anyone would do this unless they were taking photos or video taping to try to do a favor for someone. Because they were also trying to say I left dishes upstairs when I didn't, and he wrote a note to me claiming there was "mold" on dishes (that had already been through the dishwasher) and there wasn't. There's no point to making stuff up, and messing my stuff up, unless it's to try to show it to someone else and blame me. They know that I know I didn't do it.

I think they're trying to create something or an appearance for either A., an excuse for evicting me, or B., to give to someone or claim I don't keep a clean house so this affects my custody.

Because when he wrote the note about "mold" when there was NO "mold" I thought why is he also mentioning mold is unhealthy and dangerous as if I don't already know that?

I think from now on, I'm going to have to take photos of this room and kitchen before I go anywhere and then take photos of it when I get back too, with the times from the posts so if anything changes, it's obvious I couldn't have done it while away.

Even my calendar...someone keeps changing the dates back when I've moved the calendar up to the right date. Right now it's moved back to March 21, 2010.

I don't know how it was for the other woman who was here before me, but I know they videotaped evicting her.

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