Friday, March 26, 2010

2 New Lucky Guesses

I've had 2 new lucky guesses.

One, I was at this gas station and talking to this woman I've chatted with a few times and I thanked her for the chocolate and then said I should do a free reading for her sometime. So she said sure. I meant, just to guess a few things or try. So then I wanted to leave with something about her in mind and I said a very short prayer and "Karen" came to mind. So I asked if she knew a Karen and she said no, and she thought I meant there at the gas station I guess. Then when I told her why I asked she said she did know Karen's because she had a cousin who was Karen and she said she was thinking of boarding her horse with one of her favorite customers, whose name is Karen. She told me about the place and everything.

Then, I went to the library because I wanted to write this down before I forgot and I sat at a computer, knowing somehow that the man next to me was from out of the area. I thought another country but wasn't sure which one. So I said to him, before he said a word, "You're not from here, are you?" and he said, "How did you know that?" He looked shocked. I said, "I don't know, I just knew." So his accent was European or English and he said he was in Europe in general for 20 years or so but was American. But I knew he was from out of the area before he said a word.

So that was interesting.

I had just gone to the library to type out my lucky guess before I forgot about it. I have a few other things to do today but I feel pretty good today. I made a call earlier today and felt a strong sense of energy afterwards.

Oh! and the strangest thing...candy. I had candy on my mind and left my house, thinking about candy and chocolates and then when I passed the park some kid was yelling for his friend "Candy", no kidding, and then the gas station where I saw the woman had chocolates when they usually do not.

Then I went to a store to inquire about eyeglasses or contacts. I don't mind glasses, never felt nerdy with them, but I would like to get some contacts.

I've decided to focus energy on writing responses and then I will print everything out at once and file and serve. I'm very determined, still, to turn this all around. Even though it will be a lot of work and I am sometimes exhausted thinking about it.

There have still been some mind games, but I felt good about guessing something right for this woman. I wish I could be even more specific...hopefully in time.

Oh, funny thing, the word "cocksure" came to mind today when I never use this word and I met someone with a similiar surname...of all things.

And...what else? Hmm. Don't know...there was something but I forgot.

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