Friday, March 26, 2010

IRS Trick/Dreams

If any of you are frustrated with the zillion options you have to choose, to get to a customer service person, here's what worked for me. Instead of going through the option maze, press "0" over and over really fast and it will connect you to a person.

But now I've been listening to elevator music for 10 minutes. This is unbelievable. Again. I have zero patience today. I got on the phone and got this runaround with "Miss Gray", whose fault it wasn't really, but ID#0182693 and then "Miss Jones" ID#0183716 and then I gave up and tried the business side of the IRS and got "Tardo" ID#0183716. The Tardo guy said he was in "New England" and I asked what state specifically and he said "Massachucetes."

I have been on hold a total of 1 hour probably, inbetween all these calls.

Then I got Mrs. Viets #571767. Pronounced "veets". She said she couldn't find anything but something should be there because I remember my employer asking me where to mail my tax form.
I have had a lot of dreams lately. Not as many last night, but in general.

I have had Diana on the mind but not all the time like before. One thing I read again, which I was undecided about, but am now convinced over, is that she did not make any of the harassing calls to Oliver Hoare.

I don't believe it.

I believe she could be manipulative sometimes, being human, or work angles to her advantage, and I think she had her mean moments just like anyone else in the world, but I have decided that whole thing was a total set up. I didn't know at first. I thought, maybe she was just distressed and didn't want to admit it. But no, she said she had appointments to back her and I believe her. At that stage in her life, she DID have serious enemies.

I think someone called to make it sound like it was her. She was never paranoid. The more I read, the more incredulous I am that anyone in their right mind would think she was paranoid. Of course she was under surveillance. How does knowing this, make one paranoid? She had intelligence agencies monitoring her and stalkers besides. Those clips between her and Gilby and Charles and Camilla? those were just selected exerpts. There were people who were able to record every word they said. My feeling is that they could have all stood to be more paranoid and careful than they were. I can't imagine there were files and tapes or CDs on every single conversation but maybe things were recorded and then recycled if deemed unimportant and kept if someone thought it could be useful later.

She said someone was trying to make her out to be nuts. I believe the idea that she and Fergie may have called people up and hung up in the royal household, but I don't think Di would have done this other thing. She was generally careful and shocked that even Fergie could allow intimacy outdoors because of reporters. So she was very careful...Even if she did, it may have been understandable when she was under so much stress and had few outlets. But I can easily see someone doing this to her. I've had people play tricks myself, of a different kind, and some people are desperate to try anything to smear you if they don't like you. In my case, I've had people tell me to call them over and over. Or hang up and disconnect and then tell ME to call them back. So when this happens over and over I begin to wonder if it's done to make me look like I'm calling obsessively. I have also had situations where I was told to call one person and then another and another and then someone picks up the phone and while recording, make a claim that I've been harassing when I wasn't and their buddy just TOLD me to call them.

So I'm aware of things which can be done to try to create an appearance the sole purpose being to upset someone and disparage their character and try to build something on someone when nothing bad is there. So some people will try to create something, to fill in the gaps or for spin or to tarnish a reputation.
Some woman named Amanda called when I was on the phone with the IRS and I had just been thinking about a different Amanda. I said something to the IRS woman and thought "That sounds like Amanda". And then Amanda (different one) called.

Right now, I want a grilled cheese sandwich. Grilled cheese came to my mind. with a spear dill pickle and chips on the side.
I got on the phone with the IRS again and someone named Mrs. Farrell, ID#0198067 answered. She was coughing up a storm and I asked her what state I'd reached, but she said she couldn't tell me. All the others could tell me so I said I'd like to speak with a supervisor. She got back on the phone and said her supervisor said it was okay to tell me and she was from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

I actually have tax refund money that I can collect. One or two years, I didn't take my refund money but it's still there.

Lastly spoke to Mr. Hazeldon #0178006 from NY and he was pretty helpful answering questions. He sounded sort of sad when he hung up. Maybe sad for me if he knows anything about what's going on.
Looked up Queen news today and see she's congratulating some Countdown show on their episodes. It reminded me, of this guy who was playing the song "The Final Countdown" in the lobby of the WVC when I was there for migraine on the day of the last hearing. Or night before.

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