Thursday, March 25, 2010

What My Son Wants

I want my son to have what he wants and I don't believe it is to be stuck with the Avila's but to be with his mother. I think he may be attached to others as well. But his future is not with the Avilas. It is with me.

I also feel that someone has got to start talking about the things going on around here. I'm really tired of the switching back and forth with...I don't know. It's just not good.

If my son is upset because someone decent every now and there, looks out for him and plays with him, I hope someone will continue spending time with him. I don't want abusers around him and this has happened.

My concern is over how possessive my uncle is turning out to be. My aunt has her mood swings here and there, but there are other things.

I wish I could go over the things that are going on, but I always become afraid of who in the whole group might be a good person and don't want them to be in danger. I strongly question the things which have been done to me and my son though, with no oversight. I do not want certain people around my son who have been able to have access.

Some of the things I dealt with even with the Washington unemployment offices was abnormal. And no, I've not given up on my unemployment's just that I got very sick with flu and then migraine but I'm going back to it.

In spite of some things which have happened, I still keep in mind who my best allies might be and who has at least made an effort now and then. So I haven't burned my bridge in a sense.

In no way do I try to offend a whole group when I say Justin Titus didn't help me. It has nothing to do with some of the other people who maybe thought he was actually trying to help me. He wasn't, but that's not the fault of a whole group. I really question what he was doing though. I mean, this firm doesn't even have those CDs there.

I hardly think this is a case of MY being demanding or doing something wrong. I did nothing wrong. This is a situation where I and my son were seriously wronged. I wasn't rude, I wasn't demanding until being blocked and nothing being filed, I finally said "where are the motions???" other than that, I did nothing wrong so to have someone go out of their way to maliciously prejudice my case is only to do a favor for someone else or some group. As much as some might not want to believe it. Then, for example, I'm not happy about some things with the Clinic, but in other ways, because of some people, I have had access to things I've not had access to at the other hospital. So for that reason I go to the WVC. However, then I become confused as to why one doctor would seem to help me but then do something so strange as to really screw me over on the disability form. I mean, why? unless you're just being malicious about something and what did I do to Dr. Dickson? nothing that I can think of. So then I wonder who he knows that I offended or if he just wants to keep me down too. Freed was also disappointing but I will look at the letter he prepared first. I think he could have fit me in though bc he told me he was going to the day before and then he decided not to until later.

I really wish some of these people in Wenatchee, would stop mistreating someone who is an innocent mother who has a right to get her son based on the truth. maybe you don't like what the truth is, or like the idea of my being validated, but it's much worse to do what you've been doing. It's not a good reflection of your morals, religious beliefs, or profession. It shocks me that I would be so treated, when I approached people, at this phase, trying my best to work with people and going in polite.

That's all. I would like nothing more than to not have a reason to blog and have my son with me but as long as this is going on, I will be blogging and I don't think people should take offense. If they don't want me to blog about people, they should just do what they can to make sure people in this town are not bullied.

Don't think I'm not trying, or that I'm unreasonably disagreeable. I was very nice to those lawyers and I think I felt pushed to the limit, asking about motions, maybe 2-3 times but otherwise, I was patient, polite, and there was no reason to treat me the way I was treated, with obstruction, stalling, and delay.

If Justin is telling anyone who cares about ME, that he was trying to help he is lying. That firm was not helping except for the first 1-2 weeks in allowing me to try to help myself. The minute it looked like I might be getting somewhere with it, I was blocked from doing anything further.


  1. what i find most interesting, you're always accusing people of defamation. you in turn have no problem flat out writing lies about someone, which is defamation. what will be interesting is how you handle going to court and explaining all the crap you have written about people. i really would love to see someone get a court order to have your blog taken down because of these lies.

  2. I have not written flat out lies about anyone. To sue someone for defamation you must be able to prove you were lied about directly and that it is not true. Truth is the defense.

    There will be no court order to have my blog taken down, though some may wish for such a thing. It would be a violation of free speech and secondly, my blog has already been used as so-called "evidence" by Wenatchee state workers.

    If they claim everything I write is evidence how then will they claim none of it is true?

    No one has verified or authenticated which parts of my blog are creative license or are, in fact, truth.

    Much of what I write, a great portion, IS true.

    What I can prove, is easy to prove because I can put the lies of the state workers against my own blog and my own history and prove the truth.

    As for lies about people, you don't have any idea how many more things could be said about those who have done wrong. I have actually been withholding quite a lot.

    :) Cheers
