Monday, March 29, 2010

Pregnant & Gaining Weight

I put out a couple of ads still, to other agencies, for surrogacy, since this pregnancy might fall through. It is too early to know and I don't know for sure what will happen. I was talking to one agency this morning but then they didn't call later, so I am aware that things fall through. I had one woman at an agency tell me sometimes the intended parents actually CHANGE their minds and the woman is stuck with the baby so you have to consider all options. Some of the agencies are interested in both adoption and also surrogate mothers. But anyway, so I'm just waiting.

I've been eating a ton. I've gained about 8 lbs already, and it didn't show up last time I was on the doctor's scale, but it showed up on someone else's scale. Just hungry all the time. I'm hungry all the time anyway, but moreso.

I'm very glad it's happening now, but at the same time, I need to keep my eyes and ears open. I didn't tell this one agency today that I was already pregnant because you just never know. I got home too late to take their call so have to try to look them up.

At any rate, I don't have morning sickness and never have. I'm a little more moody but not much.

I'm working, eventually, with a lawyer but that's down the road.

I couldn't believe it when this woman told me how some of these parents change their minds. I guess it's really happened. Usually, if anyone changes their mind, it's the surrogate mother and they try to keep the kid and there are legal problems, but that's not what I'm worried about here. If I ended up with a pregnancy and they don't compensate me for it, it will be all of that to go through and no compensation and then, I would probably give it up for adoption in Washington. I don't know if there's an adoption agency in the Wenatchee area at all.

I've really had to go out of my way to be secretive about some things because almost every single thing I do is monitored (or that's how it certaintly comes across).

I asked why some parents change their mind and I was told some of them just decide they can't afford to compensate, or others start feeling iffy about the whole thing and if they want a kid or another kid, afterall. It makes NO sense to me, but I guess this kind of indecision is why some mothers are prego until, I don't know...until up to 6 months even and then they just change their minds for no reason and have an abortion. WHY wait that long?

So I guess it happens with some of these parents, and usually you are compensated a little to protect against that, after about the time of the first heartbeat. You have to wait until there's 1 or 2 months of missed period and then do blood to back up urine and then heartbeat but it's a whole process.

I feel total peace about it. Except for the idea that if they change their minds for any reason, I would have to put it up for adoption. I'm too tired and busy to deal with that. Literally, that would be my worst nightmare. I could have very bad and dark dreams thinking about that!


  1. do they know you are crazy and that your crazy genes might carry over to the baby?

  2. for the sake of free speech i am publishing some of these recently very rude and harassing comments.

    in the future, i will either just publish and ignore and not respond or i will not publish your comments at all, esp. if it keeps coming from the same person.

    furthermore, i've not been diagnosed with any disorder at all, so "crazy" is quite relative.

    i would say it's crazy for you to care.
