Monday, March 29, 2010

Saint or Witch? Neither

I don't know where the guy went, who stayed here yesterday. I saw some license plate as I was walking by, about a "saint" and then as I was walking home, some guy is carrying a movie about a "witch".

I had some guys today, I THINK, wanting me to admit I do some kind of rituals or something. I don't. I told this one guy who was talking about a medicine man, that I burned sage in the house because it smells good and wave it around, and he said it's "smudging". But that's not what I'm doing. I don't say any chants or prayers or have any beliefs associated with it. I just do it for the smell.

So then I'm walking home and some guy keeps flashing a witchcraft movie at me.

Not kidding.

I am not a SAINT (everyone knows) and I am also not a WITCH (even though I joke about bewitched and just joke around).

It is what I've said it is and it's just a small gift that's not even very good and I don't have any rituals associated with it at all, other than praying to God sometimes more than at other times.

I got an email about "Shell Station" in my inbox and then took this little car to my son that was all sealed up and came out of a Cheerio box I received. There were 4 types of cars with stickers to affix and this one was Shell Station. And yes, I remembered I had a dream about the Shell Station. What do I think? I don't think anything about it except that it's weird that someone sent me an email (spam) about Shell Station.

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