Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Psychic Queen Elizabeth Day (photos)

This is bizarre.

I was thinking about Queen Elizabeth this morning because yesterday I picked up some food and sat down and across from me was a child's drawing of flowers and it said, "Beth likes giving away her flowers to make others happy" and for some reason the Queen came to mind.

Then I was thinking about what I posted earlier today of course, and I had just finished laughing or giggling out loud thinking about those photos of Prince Harry and how he reminded me of that St. Bernard rescue dog with the sled.

So I pass this house, and passed a rosebush with an old medal hanging from it, a tag. I've passed it a million times and I pass rosebushes with tags all the time. I don't know why I did this, but I turned around and knew I was supposed to read the name on that tag.

I almost passed out. It said "Queen Elizabeth".

So I took it off the rosebush but put it in my hand but then I was trying not to cry and said to myself, "WHAT am I? A FUCKING MANCHURIAN candidate?!!" mumbling in my mind thinking the next thing I knew, I'd be blowing up buildings without knowing my right from my left hand.

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