Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hacking My Computer Now & Clinic Assholes

I need help from someone. i am trying to send email to the court about my important custody, because I am having migraine and need to have these emails sent to the court to show I put them there, to be filed.

I have someone switching the screen from the Douglas County Superior Court to a wikipedia site for "Spam".
It's this one:

I've only been able to send one correctly and then I tried to send a copy over of notice I gave to CPS and it kept ignoring my attempt and when I hit the button for "send" on the county site, it skipped past it and went directly to this wikkipedia site. Then I opened a new window and tried and it went through but when I tried to do the same with a notice I gave to my lawyers about migraine, to have filed for the Judge to see, it started doing this again, and skipped over to the "Spam" page.

It's still happening and I don't have the time or mental strength right now to deal with this.

Dr. Matthew Marion just witnessed this happen right now in the ER room. I made him watch as I tried to send the email to the court and he witnessed how it went to the wikipedia "Spam" page.

I started crying and said I was tired of the U.S. doing fucking nothing about what is going on and this doctor SAW what was going on for himself. All the nurses gathered around outside of my door mocking me and I pulled the curtain and they came back and I said I would appreciate their not hovering. "Don't you have work to do?" I said and then said, when the nurse said, "You are" I said, "Attend to your duties." These assholes were all camped outside of my door peering in the window.
It's not like he didn't know. His hands were shaking when he examined me.
But I don't trust him. I'm getting other people to indepdently confirm this happened and I can still prove it from my screen.
I showed it to administration people and Nancy saw it. Then Bill Gottlieb saw and acted sympathetic but I saw this other woman, a Shirley, looking nervous that he was validating this. Then he said to me, "It probably just needs to be massaged". Today in the visit with my son, I gave him a long head massage. Several times and he kept wanting me to do it. I saw Gottlieb wink at Shirley and then Shirley relaxed. These fuckers all know what's going on and think it's funny. Nancy sat there looking very puzzled. Then I went to the other room and used a clinic computer and this guy saw what was happening and said, "They probably think you're spamming." I said, no, it's not automatic for someone to be on a Douglas County page and then move to a wiki page I didn't even select. You'd have to type it in, I said. The guy said, "oh. yeah". I feel sick but if I don't write this down now, somehow, I won't remember and I have to have it for court bc I was too sick to travel earlier and still feel sick. I'll have to write later bc I still have the headache and it's taken all my energy to just write this much and I'm exhausted.


  1. maybe its the voices in your head changing the screen.

  2. I have worked in the health care industry and most of the patients who suffered from migranes were not able to deal with bright lights, any type of stimulous or able to use the computer due to brightness. it strikes me as weird how you are able to do all those things.
