Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What I Was Trying To Send

RE: Please Mail All Court Materials To Me‏
From: Andrew Kottkamp (
Sent: Tue 3/23/10 4:53 PM
To: 'cam huegenot' (;;;

Ms. Garrett
We did not send your file out to a third party for copying.
Justin will be going to court tomorrow. He will tell the court that you are requesting a continuance due to your medical condition. We will ask the court to grant our request to withdraw. You have not objected to our withdrawal, and in fact, you have referred to us as your "former firm" in recent emails to me. Will will ask the court tomorrow to formally discharge us as your lawyers.
Will will bring the file materials with us to court. If you are not there, it is possible that the court will order us to return to the State the documents that they provided to us. We will follow whatever the court orders us to do.
I understand that there are other matters set for hearing tomorrow in addition to our motion to withdraw. It will be up to the court to decide whether to continue those matters based on your request.
You need to know that it is up to the judge whether to grant your requested continuance. If you are not present, and the court denies the requested continuance, then the court may very well make legal rulings on the merits of the other matters. I certainly encourage you to go to court tomorrow to explain to the court your circumstances.

Andrew Kottkamp
Kottkamp & Yedinak P.L.L.C.
435 Orondo Ave.
P.O. Box 1667
Wenatchee, WA 98801
(509) 667-8667

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From: cam huegenot []
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 3:07 PM
Subject: RE: Please Mail All Court Materials To Me

Mr. Kottkamp,

Did you send my file out to be copied after I told you no?

I have had two bouts of migraine in the last week and have not been able to get things done, nor have I had a chance to even look things over because I've been waiting on you and this firm.

It seems to me that you wanted to hold onto my case until the last minute and keep me from getting things entered and then want to dump it all so there is no way for me have access to legal resources. That would be my guess, based on what you've all said in the past.

I am coming down with another migraine and have asked Justin in the past to please schedule these hearings for a different date because they interfere with my migraine cycle. He has not done this and I've missed hearings because of it and have not had the calendar changed either.

I would like for him to ask for a continuance because I will not be able to be at the hearing as I am hitting the migraine again and it will most likely be worse tomorrow.

Not that it even matters if I'm there, because you do whatever you want and don't follow any normal rules of procedure or laws.

I am asking for him to put in a continuance so I can be there, and for accomodation for migraine disability, which has already set me back and for which I should not be penalized. The state, if they are reasonable, should not have a problem setting this back either, for one week. It will be my second time requesting accomodations.

Cameo Garrett

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