Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Totally, Undeniably Railroaded From All Sides

I have just realized, I have been so railroaded and deceived, it is not even funny. Of course I'm going to lose my son, if I continue to let THESE people handle this case.

How have they been winning? Not by the truth. They have only been winning by keeping me in the dark about what is really going on and being said and written. I have trusted these lawyers for the very last time.

There are so many lies in just THIS ISP report, I could get Michelle Erickson for defamation, because I can prove half of what she's claimed is false. If she were saying this stuff under oath, I could get her for perjury.

Now, I see, I can totally win. I have a right to get my son back, and enough evidence, if I clear things up on my OWN, to prove these things are false and not just false, but have been done maliciously, to defame me.

They have been winning by keeping discovery from me, and then using lawyers who keep the discovery from me, so I haven't even had a chance to respond at all. In my traumatized state, this has made it easier for them to do.

I read these reports and think, "Yeah, no chance whatsoever" if these things they claim were true, but they're NOT and I, right now, have a chance to go in there, and get all the discovery I need and


I cannot even believe this though. I mean, UNBELIEVABLE. Where is my friend Maritza, from Venezuala, when I need her? I need a whole Greek Chorus to echo with me, in unison:


I have been BLOCKED from any access to help myself or my case or from even SEEING the SHIT that is going into these files!!! I mean, they are so secure now, you should SEE the liberties that are being taken!

Wow. Wowwowowowowwowowoww.

I'm getting my son back.

What I have done wrong, MY mistake, was in trusting any of these people. They were just TRYING to keep me distracted and blinded and uninformed. But also, they did this, knowing how traumatizing it is for a parent to even have to think about such horrible things as what has been done in this case. People with PTSD from intentional infliction of emotional distress and separation from their children, have a primary response and symptom of "avoidance". I have ASKED to get discovery and then, at times, been too traumatized to even LOOK at it.

And THESE state workers, and my LAWYER (when I didn't even HAVE one for a whole year, saving the state $70,000 or more), took advantage of this PTSD, and used it against me.

I wonder if I can get these people for perjury. They signed off on the ISP to be filed in a court of law, but I don't know if it's considered to be "under oath" or a sworn statement.

At the least, I could get them in a future civil case for defamation, on the FACE. It's not even defamation indirectly, but a line to line, A to B defamation.

You know, at least Julie Anderson was saying, "You might want to take a look at things because stuff might be in there that you don't even know about."

Justin Titus and this other firm, on the other hand, have just said I don't need to see anything.

I have been getting totally CREAMED, DECIMATED, and on really, really stupid things that any normal lawyer could have taken care of, or things I could have taken care of myself if I were not so traumatized by what they've been doing to begin with.

I don't care how FUCKING traumatized I am anymore. I am the only one, in this whole fucking town, that is going to do anything about this and I don't even care if I have PTSD, I am "back" as of today and I am getting my son BACK and responding to this shit.

I never should have trusted even ONE person to help me get the truth out. I should have done this pro se all along, and the only reason I have been forced out of funds, is because people KNOW that I am 10 times better at doing this on my own, than I am in being a puppet in a closet with the lights off and depending upon someone else to make things happen.

Michelle Erickson is not just defaming me, she is setting me up to sound like such a drug and alcohol abuser that OF COURSE there would be GREAT reason to send me to "The Sanctuary". The Sanctuary is for, mainly, dual diagnosis, mental illness and rehab, but PRIMARILY, it is for rehab. Of course! Of course I need "The Sanctuary" if I am a big druggie and alcoholic. This is so unbelievable

How convenient, that my landlord gives me an eviction notice for the same time that I am scheduled to see a psychiatrist. Sure. Just move me right into the fucking rehab bed.

This is CRAZY.

This is SO FUCKED up CRAZY I am...not speechless, certaintly not...I am...shocked! yes, but I almost want to just start laughing.

These people don't have ANYTHING on me, but they have gotten away with pretending they DO, by lying and keeping that information as distant and concealed from me as possible, and then me, out of basic resources for getting involved myself.

They have nothing. NOTHING. I can totally win this whole thing, now that I see this. It's that they've done this so long, now time is an issue.

But I can win this.

What is truly sad, is that they have so corrupted themselves and allowed others to corrupt them as well. It is honestly, one of the most shocking and saddening things I've ever seen. And not just that, they have abused me and my son, and disgraced the whole system and what should be THEIR "hippocratic oath"--to do children no harm.

They have KNOWN, all along, that I'm not severely mentally ill. They have also known that if anything is wrong, it's PTSD from THEIR actions and they have even tried to prevent my getting resources and normal income so that I could get over that hurdle to tackle this case and take it on MYSELF.

It's disgusting. All of these people should be losing their jobs. All of them. I say, the entire line-up, at least, that I've had to deal with: Michelle, then her supervisor Jennifer Godfrey, and then Russ. Russ needs to be fired. He should not be a director of CPS. He has known all along that this whole case was wrong.

And if Michelle says the others are worse than she is, than someone should be pressuring Michelle to spit the shit out.

If this goes to termination, I am doing it myself. I will be the lawyer. And HELL will fucking break loose when I am taking control. Don't even THINK I won't be able to learn what I need to know for such a trial.

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