Friday, March 5, 2010

Visit With Son (Could Have Danced All Night)

Well this visit was different. It got off to a slow start because we didn't have any of the regular animals to play with bc we were put in a different room, without those animals. My son was disappointed about that.

Today when he saw me, he was happy but acted a little bit differently. Sort of acting out a little and then the monitor was acting like something was wrong or something happened in the car on the way or something. She said we had to change the visit time for the 17th to 10 a.m. instead of 9:30 and then started talking about some Chris.

In general though, my son's speech and everything ended up sounding okay and he looked healthy and was over his cold. He still had those circles under his eyes, which are red and his eyes just look sad sometimes. He wants to be with his mother.

I'm not going to write about all of the symbolic things out today and the brainwashing which was again apparent and very clearly NOT coming from my aunt or uncle. I may not always agree with them, but I can tell when someone else had been messing around with my son. As for some of that, I have talked to my family about it and notified my father and it is not going into the public record. I am also going to get together with my aunt and uncle sometime soon and pray with them. I will also be trying to meet with my grandfather about a few things.

Today I walked to the visit and every other car going by said "RC Delivery" or "Abbey's Pizza" or something about Home Repair. I did think the "Home Repair" truck was strange because all these guys were hanging out the window really laughing and wanting me to notice.

I got to the other room with my son and there was a wristband there that I recognized as belonging to someone I had stayed with for a short time. I found it strange that this was in the room where I would notice, along with the other things. I really don't know if he wanted it there or someone stole it and placed it there for me to notice. I asked someone to remove it and was "traded" with a green beanie baby teddy. My son wanted to bring this froggie that had bells, from the main office, and the stuffed animal crab. I sang "Under The Sea" in a Sebastian voice while I was in the main office waiting to go into the other room with my son.

When we got there, my son found an American Idol figure and moved the mic so he sang and kept doing this over and over, and I said if I had a screwdriver, we could open it up and see what was inside to make it work. So he didn't want to eat right away but I brought in a salad with a lot of trimmings, and strawberries, and chocolate cake because I'd promised to bring him this one time. He didn't feel like eating though, he wanted to play. He did notice my mouth or lips and said, "You don't have this on" and said why not and I said "What?" and realized lipstick so I told him next time I would wear my bright red lipstick and he nodded happily.

So my son turned on this American Idol doll and then I took the froggie and had it rattle with its bells in time to the music. Then, I asked him if he wanted to play hide and seek after he put a board from a game over my head. I thought it was kind of funny because he wanted to play a board game...Oh, he also wanted me to sing to different tunes which I did for a while.

There were 3 board games with Domino Rally on top (which I've never heard of) and then Chutes and Ladders (which had nothing inside) and the Uncle Wiggely on the bottom. He was bored quickly and then I said we'd play hide and seek and he said "with the animals!" after we picked up the pieces. So I picked up a few and then he was doing the rest on his side and he looked at me, and said in a very demanding and annoyed voice, "Help!" It was an order and I looked at him, surprised. He said it with such 4 year old authority. Okay! I said and explained those pieces were closer to him than me but I helped. Then I told him to sit in a chair and count to 10. He counted to 3. I said count to 10 but he forgot when he's always known how to do this. So I took the strawberries out and picked one out of the box and placed it outside of the box and said, "Oliver, count out 10 strawberries, okay?" and when he had items to count, he began counting accurately and counted 15. So I hid stuffed animals all over the room. He found them, sometimes pretending not to see them to heighten his own suspense. I swear, he did this because he's seen ME pretend not to see things and he's KNOWN I was goofing off and just pretending!

So then he had me do this over and over and had so much fun he wanted to find new animals that were still in the toybox. After this, he saw the tent and I set it up. I then pretended to chase him and be a hugging monster and he would say "stop!" but was laughing and then wanted me to do it again. He laughed and I laughed and then I had him chasing me around and pretended to be afraid. When I grabbed him I started to roll with him, making sure he didn't get hurt, but basic gymnastic tumbling. He laughed and wanted me to do it again.

After this, I was hiding from inside the tent, poking my nose out. We turned on music and he wanted me to dance so I danced some goofy dances which he laughed at. Then from the tent, I pretended to be a little piggy. I said, snorting first, "You can't blow my house down! but then I huffed (I huffed) and puffed (I puffed) and BLEW the house down!" and when I did this, I fell over, rolling, having gotten the idea from doing this earlier, and fell against the tent which was flexible and collapsed and I had my legs sticking up and my son just laughed and siad to do it again. So then I pretended to be little piggies and he was the wolf, blowing my house down, and they were made of various things, hay, sticks, straw, I don't know, I gave a lot of word for some of the same things and at one point said, "hay, and stick, and stones, and buffalo bones!" So everytime I made a very dramatic fall and crash into the tent when he blew me over. Then he wanted me to be a cow, or I pretended and he gave the cow a strawberry. I talked in a cow voice, saying "marrrrvelous! moooo!" Then he wanted me to be a horse and same thing with the huffing and puffing.

Then, he was lying down on the ground and he wanted me to dance again and there was an opening in the top of the playtent. It is a tent the shape of a rounded square with a more narrow top. I stood up through the tent opening and there are four wires on the tent sides to keep it up and I held the tent to my waist and then moved the edges back and forth as if I were wearing a hoop skirt with wires and I sashayed the tent and sang in an intentionally croaked voice, "I could have daaaaance all night! i could have daaaaanced all night! and still have begged for mooore!" I sang it in the seagull voice from The Little Mermaid. Croaky. So suddenly the tent was transformed into a large hoop skirt.

I did it all impromptu but I was surprised at myself, with what I came up with. My son was laughing and delighted. I had the following motions with these words, "and still have begged (praying hands) for more (hands thrust out and drawn in, with hands in fists)/i could have Spppprrreeeeaaad my wings! (at this, I lifted the skirt-tent up to my shoulders and flattened the edges so it looked like I had wings sticking out on the sides), and done a thousands things i've never (dropped the wings and hands out in never motion) done before (an expression of dorky dreaminess and absent minded gazing into the sky)/i'll never know (one hand out in a question mark) what made it so (other hand out in question mark) exciting! (hands flung up to the sky)/why, all at once my heart (hands to heart) took flight (motion with hands of heart fluttering into the sky)...I only know when he began to dance with me (skirt swinging again and shoulders up) i could have danced danced dDDaaaaanccceed! all night! alternating motions.

He wanted me to do this over and over and over. "Do it again!" he said. "Again!" and laughed and laid back on the bean bag and watched me with a smile and thumb in mouth.

Then he said, be a man! So I made the tent into a diamond shape with the top peak on my head and said I was an Indian Chief and sang the song and then he wanted me to pick him up and dance with him, interpreting the song to be about me and my son. So I picked him up and we pretend waltzed around and he just hugged me and laid his head on my shoulder and let me dance with him. Later, I had his arm out and he liked this too. But very affectionate and just clinging and enjoying this.

Then he wanted me to be a man again and I decided I would be a man in a boat, and stood through the opening with the tent around me like a boat and then pretended to be rowing. So I alternated my "act" to be rowing and a man singing as he's imaginging or remembering, how he could have danced all night and then at the part about "why all at once my heart took flight!" I had him "watch" as something imaginary, his heart was going to the sky and then he reaches out, clasps his hands together dramatically like capturing a firefly, and then he brings his heart back down to his chest and pounds his fists there. then he swings his arm like winding up and then exults with his arms in the air at the end. I just made up dramatics that were entertaining to my son, and he came into the tent when I sang the boat song and hid out with me. I asked if he was my co-captain and he nodded and said yes.

By that time, it was time to go so I made a calendar for him and gathered his things and he tried to stall and wanted to stay and finally I told him I'd be right there for the next visit and said he was a good director and we would have to have him do more directing and acting himself (he was as involved as he wanted to be but I was thinking of ideas to draw him out more so he's enjoying the process too).

He had a lot of fun. We both did, and I flung myself into such dramatics, I forgot how creative I am until afterwards.

There was a little girl staring through the window, which was tinted, on the other side, and her mother. My son waved and blew kisses all the way and wouldn't turn around but wanted to watch me. Then he was going to the car and I knocked on the window and he left the monitor and tried to come back to me but they wouldn't let him go through the door.

I can't imagine the trauma these people are instilling in my son. When I think about it, it reminds me to renew my prayer for God to avenge. Avenge my son and all of his unnecessary suffering and lay that upon the shoulders of those responsible.

I used the restroom afterwards and when I came out this little girl who was watching, I asked her if she'd been curious and had fun watching us dance and she nodded. Her mother said her daughter had thought I was Snow White because, she said, the tent was red, yellow, and blue--like Snow White. I said, yes, that was a good idea and then said I thought this song I was singing was from either "Gigi" or maybe Beauty and The Beast but I couldn't remember which one or what movie it was from.

I came home and found it's from "My Fair Lady". Eliza Doolittle.

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