Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Weird Walk Today

I was trying to get things done at the house but had to go out to pick up a couple of things. I didn't have a visit with my son because they rescheduled for Friday.

My walk was short. To the place for UA (as if I need to do this) and then to the clinic to pick up notes about my migraine. On the way I stopped at a store and decided to get some chocolate milk--it just sounded good. I bought a quart and then I ended up drinking the whole thing. I was walking home and got a terrible headache and I wondered if it was from all the milk at once? so I laid down in the sun in the park for a short time. Oh! but before that I ran into an old friend--a girl my son and I used to visit all the time. We hugged and talked and then I was off. So I laid in the park for just a minute and really needed some advil and it was too far to walk to get home.

So I crossed the street and there was this woman with a chocolate lab working outside and I asked, since she was out already, if she might have any ibuprofen. She didn't and we chatted about the dog and then I saw other people outside and they didn't have any. So they point me torwards this house, number 1111, and I said okay. Everyone is watching, by the way, as I ring the bell. There is a rock with the word "imagine" on it, like the rocks I used to give friends. I saw a pig out there too. So I'm thinking, "I hope no one notices" (and I'm writing about it bc everyone DID notice) and then who opens the door but another familiar face! The librarian who wrote a reference for me, about my good care of my son. So I was shocked. Out of all the people, and then I saw her house and it is absolutely beautiful. So I got a tour and some ibuprofen and guess what? she used to be called "betty boop". She has a bathroom with Betty all over. No more details, but really cute house.

So then, I'm thinking, "This is weird." and "I'm going to be laughingstock again". I didn't CHOOSE to end up all the places I ended up at. In short time though, I ran into two people I used to know very well.

So then I had just asked her where she was raised and she said, "Idaho" and I said, "All these pretty people are hiding in Idaho!" and then I walk out and I realized I was on Idaho St. and then it's Charles St. and this woman is really cracking up, tearing around the corner, watching me, and then I was on Pearl. So I go home, half hiding my face in a kleenex blow here and there.

I got home and what is on? Bewitched!

Oh, and lots of people out today in yellow and blue and turquoise. Lots! So two of my favorite shows when I was little were Bewitched and I Love Jeannie and I walked in on an episode where two witches are dueling over a man and using their powers and Samantha turns Darren into a fish.

Oh, before this, the first thing I saw when I turned on the t.v. was a troll. One of those traveling trolls that people take photos of in different locations all over the world.

Anyway, it's not a big deal, but what makes it embarrassing is that everyone notices and tries to make a big deal out of it.

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