Thursday, March 4, 2010

Yes I'm Okay

I've had several people ask me if I'm okay all of a sudden.

Yes, I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?

There is nothing different happening now that hasn't been happening for some time. I am used to seeing corruption and total disregard for laws or morality. So, no, I am not freaking out about the termination papers. What I am already setting my eyes on is the future, and I see money in the future, and lawsuits.

I am also not falling apart because some old jr. high friend doesn't want to communicate--Will Wagler. I haven't talked to him for years so it's not like it would make a difference NOW. I thought he was rude and I still have some questions, but at this point, there is nothing for me to worry about. I wanted to reconnect with him as a friend and he didn't and thought his wife would mind, so that's his choice.

The only thing that has not been "okay" is the technology problems I've had with my computer and who knows what else. That is something which I hope people will be caught over and punished with long jail sentences.

I also think it's strange that all of these local doctors have been surprised I've still been coming in with migraine headache. Like I wasn't supposed to be having them anymore. How would THEY know and why WOULDN"T I be having them?

I guess someone or a lot of people think that right about now, I should be falling apart over something. Well, here's news: I'm not.

I am not even depressed. The only problem I've had is with anxiety and inability to handle my own case because I am blocked out of every possible resource and then see torture done to my son for so long and then me.

Oh yeah, and there were some other really shitty things people were doing, with playing mind games here in the last week or before and I thought it was very telling, to see people do these things and basically admit they knew what me and my son went through in East Wenatchee.

It wasn't some "military experiment" to start. There is a chance military got involved at some point later, after I said I would be a guinea pig, yeah, but the problems which started here for me and my son were gang related and you don't have to wear numbers or special colors to be in a gang. Am I okay with that? No.

I'm also not okay with some group constantly trying to interfere with my attempts to get justice by at least writing about some of the things that have happened and trying to get basic things taken care of.

I have been pushed out of everything and "conspiracy" isn't even the right word. Collusion is.

I got a letter today from community action about housing and the same woman who was pretending to help me with housing and stalling along with others, intentionally stared at me, seeing I made eye contact and just smirked on the day I was served with the termination papers.

There are nuts here.

There is plenty of time for me to fight back and turn this around but it won't be overnight. But when it happens, I don't think Wenatchee will know what hit them. If anyone thinks they will have any satisfaction in my suffering, they are very wrong.

I am still praying for certain things as well, which are between me and God and I believe these things will happen.

There haven't been any problems really, with the computer or anything else lately, but in the last entire month and earlier, it was so severe it made it impossible for me to do anything. I believe it's people who are in military or have access to military who are hateful to me and my son. This was a cowardly way to keep me from getting anything done or saying anything which might upset the "status quo" and plans that some have for me and my son and others whom I may have never even met.

Wenatchee individuals have been directly involved with preventing any normal course of legal progress. I will say it again--everyone knew on the East Coast and from other countries...they knew ahead of time, somehow, what was being plotted and believed it would be impossible to get my son. People knew this well in advance.

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