Sunday, April 11, 2010

horse mind control & more on harassment

well, joking, but i think the animals here are victims of mind control. i stepped out for only a moment and, it was just another big turquoise day. but it's this big turquoise joke. first of all, shhhh, my paintbrush handle is turquoise. the main one and i didn't choose it this way, it's how it came in the package.

then, i walked and this guy was harassing so i wanted pen and paper in case i needed to write down numbers. so i stop at this house, with a swan on the porch and superglue like the one i remember from my childhood with my mother. when i left the house i saw the woman who lived there was wearing a turquoise jacket. i saw that later, not first. oh, first i stopped at this one house to look at a room but it just made me sad bc it was set up and really mean mind games there. so then i am walking and people driving by thinking it's hysterical and thank goodness i could tell some people didn't think it was funny at all. so then i stop and it's the swan house and the guy gives me yellow paper and blue pen so then i walk and buy something at the mart--advil, focus water, and red bull, and then i walk to see this other house with pasture and barn for rent and the weirdest thing happened.

i was walking along and plenty of people passing right? well, this horse at the far end of pasture sees ME and starts walking over. like it's known me all it's life. totally ignored all the other people and just came right up to me so i noticed and crossed the street to say hello and pat the head. i said to the horse, "hi there horsey! you look like a horse i used to know!" and i offered my hand and stroked its nose and then patted the side of the head and then scratched between its ears (some horses like that and others get very annoyed). about 2 minutes later a car goes by with people laughing and the plates are ---KNW. i had just said, "you look like a horse i used to know!" so then, i go on my way and the horse leaves the fence and i then see the cars (yellow) and the house: white with, of course...turquoise shutters.

after that i noticed the horse didn't care about any other people. it only walked over to me. i wondered if animals can be controlled with mind control. seriously. i swear, animals have a thing for me. and ummm...bugs.

so then i didn't go farther. i couldn't remember the address for the one house so i figured no point in walking farther if i don't recall.

oh, and at the store, there was this sad phil collins song that just happened to come on. a real defeatalist, "i'm sorry, i'm a moral coward and have no backbone but don't feel bad, it's just me and i am more concerned about my social and political life than love" song. "you know I love you, but..." that one. i hate that song. what a sad, ocean waves lapping on the shore as the wimpy guy is hiding behind a tree to see if the receiver of the msg in the bottle sheds a tear. angssssst. it's one of those condescending songs where the man is trying to excuse himself from any obligations, like having emotions. go shed a tear in your beer my dear.

so then after the horse and the turquoise house, i walked back and the lagan song came to mind again and i sang it low when no one was looking as i walked back.
Roxanne, great version by Sting I just found now.

Anyway, the main thing I didn't appreciate today were all the references to William as if there was something with him or one of them. A lot of it and it was just mockery.
I opened up the Bible today and got lots of random things. Ecclesiastes 2 and then some proverbs before that. Then I opened up to the NT and got this one again, Matt. 21:42.

Today is the first day it looks like it will rain. The other days it didn't.
What I mean about the house I looked at, being a bunch of mind was just mean.

I have never in my life had the kind of mean games played that I have in this town. I've never had a hard time getting an apartment and I've never had to go through seeing all the things set up to freak me out before either. At the last place, that guy had things set up like it was Hell, and then at this one, it was even worse and sick, which is why I wrote down some plates when people were driving by laughing. I was polite to her all the way through. I almost started to cry, seeing what some people had done, and I didn't. Instead, I forgave her and wondered who she was connected to. She said something about Canada and that clear, that someone from Canada had been connected because she had a box of tapes in the corner like I had in my car when I was forced to leave it behind. She also had all these things that my family wouldn't know about, but people who came into my apartments or house would know about. The perfume and lotions I wore, shampoo and conditioners, and everything from about the time my litigation with the Catholic church began. Almost everything was from my days in Portland, Oregon. Almost every single thing and there was no mistaking the intention was to poke and prod. Things I use now were not there, it was all stuff I used while I was in Portland, and then I also saw a ton of Oregon plates today and even saw someone that looked like an old professor from college, a Mr. Clark. I think some of it, was stuff I could have had lying around the house at my grandparents when I first came into town, like, things my uncle Loren would have seen. So I can't say all of it was Oregon referenced. I asked this woman which church she went to, out of curiosity and she said a non-denominational one and that her parents had been Methodist. She had one room set up with tons of Spam on the shelf and a huge bag of "elephant" rice and it reeked in there. Then she had another room with all these things from my past, specific lotions, perfumes, and other things I used but from a very specific timeframe, and then in the next room, it was like a storage room with a lot of stuff thrown all over and a wooden duck and a stride right machine and things. There were too many things for it to be coincidence so I was very polite but just felt like crying after that, because I don't ask for much. I ask for a normal apartment or house where people are not playing mind games. One man I noticed or recognized driving by more than once is the guy that worked at the Computer place when he was supposedly fixing my computer and then it later blew up. I hadn't seen him around until today. The man and wife who were mocking by right before I turned into the house to get paper and pen were in a SUV, older, 219 XIR. They were mocking me as I was walking away from the house I had just looked at. I guess they thought it was all hilarious. There were plenty of others, but it was this man who made me turn, seeing how smug and self satisfied he felt by my humiliation. I don't know who he is. Washington plates. I must have hit on something, because google decided to throw a little ad at me after not putting ads out all day. I got one about how to "secretly control anyone!". So I am curious now, as to who that older and distinguished gentleman is. "Fall Down" Jennifer Knapp

I also noticed this woman made a point of imitating many things I have done in the privacy (supposedly) of my own room. Some of these things are things which no one could have seen from a window at a distance--it would only be possible if there was a hidden camera or someone utilizing the webcam on my laptop. What is perplexing though, is how, when my laptop was closed down most of the way, some English military guy was able to see the number on a blanket I had in my room and write it down back to me, from the UK. So how exactly did he get this number and how was he able to relay it back to me? he got the information from someone in the U.S.? My laptop wasn't opened enough, I don't think, for it to come from that webcam. This was the guy who I was going to do webstreaming with from UK, who was military. It made me wonder if there is shared information about me and why. He knew the number, within minutes of my turning the blanket over to look at it and notice. It was 717. He repeated this to me when I got back onto my laptop about 10 minutes later. Either the UK is interested in me or gets info on me or someone in the U.S. wanted me to know, through him, that I was being monitored by hidden camera and other surveillance. So possibly trying to help, or if not, to make a point.

Because I am not, and have never been, of any interest of course, and never any kind of threat. Just make sure I keep getting blasted with technology and keep me from interfering with whatever plans these people have for others.

The day after I was shaking one of these seed pod things, while talking to an old friend, this news item about a painting of a Queen holding a snake was published, in the UK.

Of course, I'm just "crazy". It's nice to be complimented with attention, but not to have ones privacy deliberately invaded in this manner, and while, probably, many know that I and my son ARE being harmed and nothing is being FUCKING done about it.

The blanket number thing, could not be seen from the window. There is no mountain high enough from which someone could perch. It was on the ground and not within possible reach of camera lens. Anything I do with my curtains open, is my own fault and at my own risk, absolutely. But not the other stuff. The blanket thing, and my conversations--no one should be able to see or hear those things. As for my holding up the seed pop and shaking it, that could have been my fault because I stood in front of the window and curtains were opened.

The very next day, there was the unveiling of how underneath the roses, the original painting was of Queen Elizabeth holding a snake and I had said to my friend after I talked to this guy and shook the snake-seed pop, I said I didn't know why I had grabbed it and shaked it like it was a snake or something. I had just said that and the next day, this article about a Queen holding a snake. Maybe total coincidence. But other things I don't think are coincidence and I'm not totally peeved, bc it's flattering in a lot of ways, and I don't care about what is my fault and out for everyone to see--even at a great distance. But I DO care about my private conversations and contacts and whether people are watching me dress or not and what I do in private.

Most importantly, more than anything, I care about my son and our health and ability to be free of infliction of harm, mind games, and for me, attempts to hold me down here. The health and technology and weapon issues we've had is most important and I would think this is U.S. responsibility even if others get information on me.

It is impossible for me to get my son back with this kind of thing going on all the time and no one intervening. I do not have money and resources for protecting myself and my son and we have been open game. Then, I've had people really going out of their way to screw me over. It seems some actually like me a lot, or a little bit maybe, secret or not, and then there's this other huge force that wants to squash and maim.

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