Saturday, April 10, 2010

images & edema in my feet

It wasn't really an image but I got an impression of a young woman's or woman's bedroom with a giant, or large hollow half eaten chocolate easter bunny and an armadillo. Like an armadillo pillow, or stuffed animal, or table figure or something. Actually, it may have been a porcupine, but "armadillo" came to mind. The bunny was half eaten or broken. I was trying to see more and I tried to remote view and wanted to see the color of quilt or other things but all I got was chocolate bunny and an armadillo or porcupine. I haven't seen either lately, at all. I think maybe, a boyfriend gave her the chocolate bunny but I am not sure about that. Just that I saw it, and saw the animal thing. If it was a pillow (don't really think so) it was in the shape of that animal, not a square pillow shape. I prayed to ask God to show me something about the color of bedspread so it was more impressive, and I tried, but all I got was my own shifting human guesses, nothing just cleared up to my mind, so the only things I was allowed to see were the bunny and the porcupine-armadillo.

I also saw, separately and different connection, a woman who was young again, and very pretty, with straight blond hair, exceptionally beautiful I thought and very natural and she was sitting in a chair or on something with her arms both down between her legs and holding something and the part that's bothering me is I saw what it was and thought it interesting but I can't remember now. I have no idea. But it was something very important that she was doing. In a very strange way I felt she knew about me somehow or heard of me or was even trying to send me something but maybe not that part. Maybe it was jus that I saw her--but there is some kind of connection between us although I don't think we've met although perhaps she's passed in a car or somewhere, but I don't know.

Maybe I'll try to do a remote view again but I don't think I'm any good at it really. I feel like my gifts are harder to focus and control and more random, but I will try.
The burning and overheating is going on and off. I have edema in my feet and legs again from it, most likely this is the cause. I photographed it but it doesn't show up as obvious as it is in person.

I've had a bunch of people ask if I'm "Helen" when they return my calls so I looked up Helen and I once knew one, a long time ago, but the only Helen I know of figuratively, is Helen of Troy. Maybe there are other Helens. So I don't know if this is to imply I've caused fights or some kind of war between parties or what.

I know when this guy said "stand by for transfer" I thought this was strange. I tried looking up the phrase to see what it's connected to but I don't know and it made me sad or somehow rang a bell.

I also decided maybe someone wasn't trying to be mean when I called the Pentagon but maybe was trying to be flattering in some way I don't know. The thing is, nothing is flattering when this is going on and allowed to continue and no one is stopping it. There is no excuse for this or for what has happened with my son and people in the U.S. shoulf be taking responsiblity for fixing the matter.
Very shocking about the crash of the polish.

Today, a hearse was driven back and forth past my house. It's all love and light here.
i should add more about the armadillo thing...I don't think it was as much of a stuffed animal or pillow as something firmer. Don't know what.
I am looking at colleges to apply to. I have decided on 3 ideas and have to choose although I'd like to blend things:

1. online English degree. Finish degree online and go on to grad. school and take maybe some art too. That way, I could write to my heart's content and be focused on new ideas too and then avoid having to get into sticky situations with possible politics or harassment (which I'm trying to avoid). Probably would go on to get a masters in creative writing though I've liked law, I really love to write (obviously) and I want to get into oils again.
2. Nursing (I am interested in this and think I'd be good at it, but I don't know about that with politics here--)
3. Education. After working in the preschool one day I realized again how good I am with kids and know I have some good intuition and skill sets to offer a lot of children. If I have my own classroom there shouldn't be any competition or jealousy with adults and I could hopefully structure my classes the way I want and be very hands on and analytical and creative with the kids. And eclectic. I would be a good absent minded professor type. I am also looking into the extra grants you get with education.

So trying to decide on these options and been researching today.
I've noticed I have more problems with the overheating and computer issues when it's a "good luck" week than when it's a "take care" week I think. I don't know who gets in charge of things, but this isn't a joke and I pay for it and I feel someone I love pays for it too. I don't know who I love, but if I had more information about who really pulls for me and my son and has sacrificed and loved and been courageous for us, I would probably know who I loved. But I know there are some people I appreciate a lot and just not attracted to and can't help it, so there's that. and everyone said if it's "yellow" it would be a good day for me and if it's anything else, I would suffer, whatever that's supposed to mean. So maybe others really know who is on my side. Mabye though, some don't have as much power to control what is happening with this technology stuff even if they care more and love me and my son more. So I don't know. I don't know that the players are on level playing ground.

I know that my housemates are home right now and they're not affected by anything so I'm positive it's the computer.

I do think it's strange too, that if things are going well with my ex, or when they were, whoever would quit doing this to me and my son. So somehow there is an influence. what is a "good day" for some might not be so for me and my son.

Now it stopped, right after I posted this.

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