Friday, April 9, 2010

Tons Of Dreams (& shell station ad)

I had so many dreams last night. Intricate segments of almost anything and everything. I woke too, and could have written them down, but I didn't. By the time I got up this morning, I only remembered one small part.

The song that kept coming to mmy mind was Desert Rose and then for some reason, Kathryn, and I remembered how I read this short part about how Henry VIII called her his "desert rose". And I remembered the first time I heard this song, and also hearing it in D.C. from a jukebox.

I also remembered that when one of the taxi drivers or someone said there was going to be "rain" I said, in response, "I don't know about that. I'm just not feeling rain for some reason." I think I said it to the taxi guy. I was trying to remember if I mentioned my feeling that it would not be a great rainstorm.

Russia has been at heart a little too. Thinking about the country and some other countries too, used to pray for all of them and should do it more again. I had some singled out for prayer more than others at different times, but I prayed for all of them.

The only part I remember from the multitude of dreams I had was a snapshot of the english royal family. They were all wearing red, head to toe. But it wasn't just the fabulous four. Diana was there with this bright red wide brimmed hat. It was like a smaller sort of set or grouping and I think some sitting some standing but a very small group. I don't know if it was represent she was still there in spirit or if it was from an actual photo or what. I have no idea.

And then I for some reason thought about how she wore a navy blazer for her interview and was being accused of going to the Labour side or something and wondered if people were upset she was changing her affiliations or politics or thought she was. But that is not a psychic dream, it's just one of those jumbled dreams and the only part I remember is that part. But there were a LOT of dream bits last night.

I woke up off and on feeling sort of sad sometimes but not all the time, and then by the time I got up the energy felt good. Thought about my son, and getting him back as well, and what to do.
This "Desert Rose" video makes me think of, at the very end when Sting is closing his eyes, makes me think of a man who can remote view, not just getting impressions, and that's when I know I've read too much about psychic powers. haha.

I also got an impression, when I listened to "Shape of my heart" yesterday, but I don't think it was psychic, it was more of a natural idea or question about whether someone, a man, deals the cards, and has dealt them, not the regular ones, but the tarot form, and yet for himself out of curiosity and most people would never know and he doesn't tell anyone, or someone came to mind, looking and examining them but I won't say who I thought it was because it would be too personal and is probably not right anyway. But this idea not in connection with the remote view idea with Sting. separate.
i didn't know what the art would be for the day today bc I didn't look ahead and it's of a dress by Christian Dior. "May" dress and she's wearing long white gloves. That sparked my memory that in one of the segments of the dreams I had, I was wearing long white gloves and a dress. It wasn't this dress though, at least it doesn't spark my memory, and I don't know what I was doing, but I almost think it was like I was wearing long white gloves and my dress was poorer quality. I was around a lot of people. And then I think it might be because for some reason, I have with me, in a few items that are with me here and not spread out all over the U.S., I have my long white gloves which I picked out for a dance a long time ago, over a decade ago and I always saved them. They were in my hope chest for the longest time and I have no idea how I ended up traveling with them in my shabby bag.

Which makes me think about the coincidence of having a dream about the shell station and then getting a shell station car out of a cheerio box and then the shell station ad in my inbox a day or two later. I guess I might post the ad here.

I also keep getting this impression of a young man crying. But each time I get it it's the same posture or expression in a way. It's not like different scenes or a variety. It's this same look. It's only a face or head and shoulders image and I sort of make out a face or a kind of expression but it's like I don't know for sure what they look like, even though there is an expression there.

I don't know if it's from one past moment and it keeps coming up or what. It's face forward and I see it straight on but the head is sort of bent and maybe sometimes the hands come up to the face and it's completely private. No one else was around.

I don't think I can write about anymore because I feel like crying sort of now which is the first time I've had this sadness with it. I could describe a few more details but I don't think it's right to. I can just say it was very broken, that moment. A feeling of, the word that comes to mind is "bereft" and I think I keep getting it because it might be under the surface or maybe it was just this one moment and it was so important that it keeps coming to mind but I don't know what it was about and I know this person is strong.

I had to look up "bereft". I feel like I got that word from someone but didn't know what that word in particular came to mind.
Well, I have to shower and get an apartment. Getting some things done today.
From: shellpetroleumcompany (
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SHELL INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY PROMOTIONS/PRIZE AWARD DEPARTMENT SPAIN has just concluded final draws from it's periodical promotional program An exclusive list of thousands of individual and corporate bodies were picked by automated random computer search from the internet No tickets were sold. You emerged as one of
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Dr Ellen R..Gomez,
Managing Director .
Shell Petroleum Company Spain.
No 72 Avenida Parque Grande,
Madrid Spain.
I got this version of "Shape Of My Heart". really beautiful version:!v=037uSAIahho&a=ZVMFuP-RdoQ&playnext_from=ML.

I got it after looking up the symbol for shell or clicking on shell station out of curiosity although i thnk I know already. But looked it up and then went from desert rose to shape of my heart.

This is one of the most beautiful renditions. I don't know what kind of guitar that is...mandolin? or just small guitar? this is a phenomenal recording--the sound and the interpretation of the lyrics is gorgeous.
Very still. It feels very quiet like a pin could drop. First strong positive energy or warmth and then pensive quiet. I think, sort of just picking up on the mood of this recording, which is quiet and mystical.

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