Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Vivid Dream

I had many dreams but only remember one section from this morning.

About two children and then a couple of groups and a river...

The part I first remember is with a little blond girl. About 5-9, I don't know. She kept coming into my room and wanted to stay by me and talk. She told me, had I noticed that everytime she talked to me, this song came on? and it was one by Elton John but it wasn't Candle in the Wind and I forgot now and will have to look his songs up. So I said I did notice and it was on again and we had this bonding moment and then these angel-spirits on a bicycle, almost like twins but sisters with long very pale blond hair, and one was older or a little taller than the other, rode up outside the window and were exchanging some tassle or silly string thing that was stuck to a mark with gum, and they were replacing it with a better one. I don't want to say colors bc I'm afraid it will end up being a big deal, but then I decided to save the ones which they gave for me and I took down the other one. Maybe it's not a big deal so I'll add it later. Or it was like I was given a new color to symbolize passing a test, I don't know. It wasn't any gang or country colors at all. They were pastels. As if some test was passed and there was significance in my meetings with the girl. The girl was sort of shy and just liked to come in and watch me do different things.

So then I also remembered that with my son, every time I thought of him the song "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" came on. And how this was also somehow significant for the dream (but this isn't the case in real life, but that's what it was in my dream which was very real and vivid).

So then I was outside and I was on a bicycle. I was riding all around and passed this one area and got some kind of points and I don't remember what and then I was going down an alley and at the very end there was an enormous mural or painting of a huge Unicorn and it said "Unicorn" above it. It was in sort of more subdued colors and white, on a very large and tall brick wall and beautiful but at the end of the alley where no one would ever expect to find such a thing.

Then, these people had been stationed to see where I went and they notified someone and then it was William and Harry and they rode past me on bikes, in red white and black and they smiled quickly and nodded or said hi or I don't know and then passed by. SO I went my way, they were going past the building to the right and I turned around and went back out of the alley because it was a dead end or didn't know the other streets. So I went out and then I riding my bike down a path of dirt, twines and roots from trees, and it led to a river. I was doing serious off-roading on the bike and balanced and thought I hadn't done that in a long time. And I was riding down the hill and there was a lower path which was muddy and closest to the river and an upper path.

I rode closer to the river and was driving through and then this other bicyclist went above and said, "You're desecrating the river, you need to get off of that path." He was angry because he said everyone else took the higher path farther from the river and I said I didn't know and it was muddy, so I got up higher and then I stopped and sat and looked at the river next to someone and I said, "What is the name of this river?" and the man didn't like me and scowled, saying, "It's called, 'I'm Going To Be A Thistle.'" He sort of looked at me as if to say that's what I was going to be, and as I passed him by, I saw there was one water lily in the water and it was near lily pads and sort of faded on one side.

Then I was riding past, above, and these men came out to harass me, saying, "Get out of here," and telling me, "You don't belong here" and I said, wanting to know why they did this, "You must have mistaken me for someone else. I don't know you and I'm sure you don't know me." and they were like a little mob and said, "Yes we do, you're from WenATCHEE, Montana, aren't you?!" and I was trying to figure out why they harassed me and was polite and trying to ask nicely and then this one younger man who was sitting observing, whom I hadn't noticed, stood up and approached me and told me to go on, and said, "You don't have to stay and stand for this; you've done nothing wrong." and then as I was leaving, he took on the mob that was gathered to harass me.

The painting I saw was of a unicorn face on, not to the side as I was just looking up on wikipedia. It was the front of a Unicorn as though coming forward or maybe some side but mainly coming forward and I think raised up, and unicorn was in antique style lettering above the head or at the very top. Not a ton of color, but very intricate.

What was strange was that I got this dream after I first awoke and got the idea I had been or was being mocked by a certain party featured in my dream.
listened to lion sleeps tonight. didn't feel like trying to find the elton john song. played a little sting and then went to monserrat, who i love most this morning and then arthur hanlon! this is very pretty piano playing though i don't know if i like the additional arrangments as much. i like the purity of monserrats's version best. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7vakRmftck&NR=1&feature=fvwp. still like this one for movement though and a more uplifting mood but monserrats' is possibly beyond compare.

Oh, what's sort of strange is that the background for this video, the wall on which the unicorn was painted resembled the kind of grey brick wall that's featured here. Except it was to huge tall building and the painting wasn't disturbed by the cracks, it was like everything around was like this type of wall but the painting was seamless. It was huge. about the size of...I am trying to think of a common thing anyone could compare size with. it was just very tall and wide and at the end of an alley. Like the wall in the basement of that guys house in the opening scenes.
Also sort of interesting, I gave my father an hourglass like that one, for one of his birthdays. My mom thought it was pointless and impractical and my dad liked it. And then the canle holder with the leaves, I had that at well, that candle holder, many years ago, not anymore. I don't know if monserat was for the country or the singer or what but I am so happy to have discovered this song. I love it.
I have decided to go to the appointment to just tell him I wil meet hiim but I'm not prepared to do any testing or very much beyond introduction, without legal representation. So that way I'm not being "uncooperative" but I'm not having to divulge information or get into things without a lawyer and maybe psychological eval first.

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