Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Harassment From More U.S. Government Employees

I just spent an hour on the phone being harassed by multiple U.S. government employees, who taunted me, harassed me, and transfered me to the wrong places intentionally.

They don't even have their date set right. In the lefthand corner they have the day as Wednesday, April 14 2010. It's Tuesday, the 13th, and it's not even Wednesday by East Coast time zones.

Before that, while calling 411, I got operators who mocked me again, making personal notes and asking if my last name was "Swan".

After I have blogged about technology problems and what I was then calling "hits" or whatever, this last U.S. man that I talked to told me I had been transferred to the computer department for "hits". After being harassed for over an hour and mocked by various U.S. Department workers, and then being transfered to this wrong number again, I asked for his name and he said it was "Tony". I said "Tony what?" and he said, "Tony Baldwin" and I asked what they did and he said they handled all of the coputers for the HUD employees. He had asked me for my "user ID". These employees, all state workers, unless I was talking to others who were not connected to the state, were employees of HUD and I specifically asked for information about a program which they all were claiming to be absolutely ignorant of.

I documented all of it, but they were telling me to call the White House and making asides about that, and then saying their last names were "black" and "blackberry", and on.

Then, I got transferred to a department that wasn't even HUD but the guy, who had a bunch of other men in the background talking all at once, like they weren't at desks, said I got the wrong number and hung up on me.

When I called back and said I wanted to be transferred to the same place (where I didn't say I was hung up on), the guy, who said his name was Curtis, then transferred me to what I was told was the employee "Hits" computer help desk. So I got his name and then said, "And what is your position?" and he said, "Help Desk Analyst" and I said, okay, and can I have the direct phone number for this department please?" because it was all starting to sound like BS, and I figured he wouldn't want anyone else calling the number to check on my story or him, or some group wouldn't want that so just as I thought, he tells me it's an "800 number".

I said, "It's an 800 number for the internal employees for HUD for their computers?"

And he said yes. I said, "If it's for your internal employees" it wouldn't be an 800 number, and then I said, "Where are you located?" and he said "West Virginia, but we help people from California to D.C., to ..." and I cut him off and said, "WEST Virginia? or Virginia?" and hung up.

Once again, when the government workers make asses of themselves and behave this way, it does not command respect from other countries.

Just the other day, some reporter on the news was making fun of some Al-Quaeda threat or message from someone and laughed off some threat about bringing America down. She scoffed, publicly, saying, "Yeah right..whatever" and basically mocked it, feeling very safe and secure from her post.

That kind of arrogant and dismissive posture, is dangerous and it is wrong. You are making fun of people who have begun to make threats because they see suffering on a daily basis while you sit in your cozy chair and twiddle your thumbs, and do nothing for the suffering.

Pride goeth before a fall.
I went online as well, to look up the program details and the documents are there but I was not able to get through to anything. It all said "Service Unavailable".
I made notes of each person I was transfered to underneath Shaun Donovan, and what kind of comments I got and who I was transferred to after that.
I called again and got a Debra Karvatsky or something and she said she transferred me to "Daveny Kern" who ends up being a male voicemail for a "Dav Kern". I got "Dave" by being transferred to some "sustainability" place and a lot of "Daves" and "Stevens".


  1. sounds like you are on to them. Go get 'em...you crazy chick. I hope you aren't planning on using any tax $$ to obtain HUD assistance. I pay taxes and I would rather see someone sane get those benefits than you, who doesn't do anything to help yourself. Help yourself...better yet get help for yourself...and then I won't mind having my tax $$ go to helping you. Till then...I hope you keep getting the run around

  2. Hello Anonymous,

    I'm surprised and delighted to have you care enough to comment.

    Oh believe me, baby, Annies got her guns. I am onto them like a sherlock holmes with a machete...just hacking through all that paper clipping crap. I am onto them like ham on rye. I am onto them like a baker on Buzz. Believe me, I am thrilled to have your support (is it support or scorn? I couldn't read between the lines) and have started up a fan club. I don't think you can afford me however.

    I don't know what HUD is. Do you mean hud like hud river dam? or hud like huddle? or...i don't know.

    I am certaintly relieved to hear you pay taxes. Thank God we are not alone in this world. I thought I was the only one who paid my taxes. I guess it's just me--crazy, and you...going back to college? I think?

    Your tax dollars are going to a good place...you will need it for social security and other things so I wouldn't worry about your tax dollars going to anyone else except you. That's where at least a small part of MY tax dollars are supposed to go--to ME.

    I am actually enjoying the run around because I wouldn't have to run if others weren't interested in a chase, so it's their energy as well as mine and I've been getting in shape, that's for sure.

    Nails. You should cut them and keep up on your pedicure too and I have to say this is the last time I post a comment from "the crazy chick poster" unless you would like to sign up for my fan club and then you can say whatever you like and I will write back every single time too, signed "with love" and a special kiss.
