Monday, April 12, 2010

Weird Drama At Rehab Place

I thought it was sort of weird today...I had to go for a UA and they didn't have a calendar but as soon as I showed up, this police guard type woman and a man (who was also police but smelled like he'd had a whole bottle of wine) arrested some guy. The man was told to come out and he did, wearing this grey shirt with "PJ" or something, LG?" on it in orange and purple and then they said what happened and right in front of me he says, "I screwed up. I missed home." and they turned him around and handcuffed him and then led him out. Then I asked and someone said he had been in rehab as part of a probation deal and wasn't supposed to go anywhere and violated it. The guy looked like Chris Dabney. Sort of.

No one showed up until I was there for at least a half hour or more, and then there were people outside and also inside and it just felt off somehow, like it was partly staged. I don't know how to explain it. It was just sort of weird.

What was weird too, is that I was wondering where that smell was coming from and it was one of the guards, who smelled like a liquor cabinet gotten smashed. No offense to him at all, and I thought, well, maybe he had a glass for lunch--very french, but i thought he seemed depressed sort of.

There was also some guy who looked like Dabney, lying on the park bench this morning. Very weird. Like someone wants me to think he's homeless, in rehab, and jailed. At the rehab place the top spot magazine was "hot rods" and I'm sitting there wondering how it is I'm getting fried again. My laptop wasn't out but then I looked over and the sign above...I will get into it tomorrow. Too tired right now. Tomorrow. Energy felt okay in general, nothing super sad besides this morning and that was most likely because of what was happening with my son. My beautiful, lovely, brave and strong son.

Then, a lot, lot, of mean harassment and mind games but I tried to ignore it and did fairly well. I actually did very well! considering!

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