Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Adjusting My Prayers--One Backfired!

Hmmm. Someone did a "return to sender" to ME! She must know or feel she is a rival, whoever she is, because I didn't even know who I was praying about but I mainly prayed good prayers and then I threw in one I don't usually (almost never) go for...I prayed, not thinking about my Ex or any Ex boyfriend in particular at ALL, but just whoever is maybe with someone I am supposed to be with...I prayed, "God, I hope her cooking goes to hell today." Last night I was thinking about that phrase: "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" and this morning thought, "I'll bet I haven't met him or he's not here, because of HER and HER fucking COOKING."

So I prayed, "God, I hope whatever she cooks today burns or gets forgotten or overcooked or is otherwise completely inedible."

So what happens? Only 15 minutes later I am going to the kitchen to pick up my pot of tea which I had on the stove and it was STUCK to the burner. Not just stuck, but the whole pot had practically blown up because it ran out of water and cooked itself, literally, to the metal burner. I couldn't separate it from the thing and had to pour cold water over the whole pot to cool it down. I opened up the lid and it was parched and scorched. But still I thought, "What kind of shitty teapot can't take a little heat?!!!" Piece of crap teapot.

So it blasted bits of water all over that were brown because the bottom burnt first and discolored the water and it was trying to bubble out and escape so the pot had brown splatters all over it and it is completely superglued to the burner and stuck and won't come off. I poured some more water into the pot and put the lid on and then just left it.

I'll let the other guy, the housemate, discover it and figure out what to do.

Might have to take out the entire burner. I think the entire thing is shot to hell. I couldn't even warm up my hot water for my oatmeal so I had to use the hottest tap water I could get.

So I said, "Hmmm. Okay, I'm dealing with another witchy woman here." Next time it's "and return to sender whatever they return to sender to me and let my prayers go through!"

icky wiccy wooden spoon,
make meaty sauce a bane, no boon
kitchen smelling like balloons
of stinky smells from the bathroom
icky wiccy wooden spoon,
make the fish a brittle brack
the fettucine sticky tack
the peas a squishy sloshy slack
caramel pudding a swashy soup
bacon and eggs burnt to serve up fruity loops
milk spilling
out of sugar
salty as the salt lake city swamp
or dead sea
and please, when i pray the dervish
protect me and mine;
God Save Me, and
God Save My Tea!

(just being silly about the about verse impromtu)

Now that I'm thinking about food I want pot roast with horseradish sauce. I need to eat and then I'll be back with some other stuff.

Actually though, I'm sort of just kidding about this post. It is not unusual for ME to forget about things for a few minutes, not to dangerous degree, but just overdone or whatever. So probably no one prayed anything back. And it wasn't a fire hazard either, but just a really bad pot. It had PAINT on the bottom of it so of course it was going to stick. I wonder if it was supposed to be decorative or something. Either that, or it wasn't heat-proof glaze or something. It still made me laugh though.

As for what person, or man or woman, I had absolutely no one in particular in mind but figured God might know so He would do it for me. One thing, anyone could be sure of, is that I'm not interested in, or able to trust, anyone who gives me medications or birth control without letting me know what's going on.
I have some photos I was going to put together for play, but will do later. Maybe part of it later today for a way to relax. I think I want to take cooking (only to eat the food), painting, creative writing, and art photo again. Last night I remembered how fun photography can be.

As for successes in prayer, I was able to pray away headaches and other things the last few days. I did the return to sender and it went away. I also prayed for a few other positive things which really seemed to go somewhere. I am hoping that in bits and pieces I can do more, for myself, my son, and others too, by having more faith and trust. I imagined a great legion, visualized this huge army of people, and then the power of the slingshot of David, and thought about how God doesn't always do what we want or in the timing wanted, but things are possible,

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