Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Photos (night by falls and the opening of Pandora's Box)

Couldn't see what I was getting, so just playing around. But had fun and sort of want a camera again now. I used my tiny Acer webcam.

This dark one at nighttime...I took another look and thought, "OHMIGOSH. WHOSE my Daddy?!!???" I think I look like the defector's daughter. SHIT. Seriously. Look at me there and then this ex-CIA Edward Howard guy's photo. I think I'm mistaken for one too many identities.

I have way too many photos here. I'll have to delete a lot of them but will just load them for now. The nighttime ones got mixed with the other ones too. Way too many photos. I just click click clicked and was goofing off.

I found Pandora's Box today, in a church bathroom. I dared to peek and look what I FOUND. In, you guessed it! The number TWO. I think this means: "Maximize My Potential Please."

I finally passed interrogation.

Oh I do not like this band, I don't think, if this is the one I'm thinking of, when they were trying to take my hotel room at the Red Lion. One of the band leaders, who I didn't even know, made some comment about how HE was "catholic" and went on about this and was mean to me. I thought, what the hell. I didn't even know who he was. I remember what his face looked like. I'll have to find his name. I turned to a country station so thought about this.

I am not zee person you thought I was. Mistaken Identity. My name is not Natasha, Nikita, or Anastasia, or Estah.

I took some random photos with my laptop (bad camera and resolution but makes me want a 35 mm again. Something old fashioned.)

They're pretty dark and seem a little down but I was in a fine mood, just tired. Heard water and went to sit in a quiet place and then took photos.

Then, today, I was in a restroom and just very randomly goofing off and spoofing a peek into Pandora's Box where I found something in 2s. I'm not spending a lot of time on it. I wish I had an editor thing though bc some of the photos would be cool if they were enlarged and cropped right.

Before some appointments, doing this while waiting for pot pies to cook and listening to Welsh music--harp right now. I think it's from NPR or the classical station and the woman said she's Welsh so I guess she's playing Welsh stuff.

I would like to expose my son to a little more bossa nova too, and some good Mexican music, for part of his culture. I speak to him in both English and Spanish.

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