Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Scrappy Pad Italian-Thai

This temp housemate I have demanded something for dinner. There isn't a relationship but I am staying until I have a place, so it's fair. But he said, "Where's my STEAK?!" and I said, You want something?" and he said, "Yeah!" and I said, "I'll make you a baked potato if you want something to eat."

I then pictured myself throwing a potato straight from the bag, rolling into the oven.

I made dinner tonight with what was here, which wasn't a lot right now, but I did a damn good job.

I put this can of Italian tomato spaghetti sauce into a skillet with one entire thing of garlic. Not one clove, the whole bud thing, or ball or whatever it's called. So I minced up the garlic, threw it in, added some Lowry's seasoned salt, and a ton of black pepper and then a whopping tablespoon full (more like 2 equiv.) of crunchy peanut butter. Stirred and simmered.

It tasted like some kind of pad thai thing.

So there were spaghetti noodles and I made them up and then poured the sauce over the noodles. It was like italian-thai pad thai. Sounds weird, but edible. It took me 10 minutes of watching the stove too.

Then I was going to braise potatoes but there are not right seasonings so I cut them up and threw them in the oven with a can of string beans and covered and put on broil. I have no idea what that experiment will be like. Seems kinda gross--the combo, but with the right other greens and seasonings, could be okay. Probably need a lemon.

Not that it goes with italian-thai pad thai, but what the hell. He wants food? I'll give him food, but I'm not trying for some love. I'm paying dues.

I looked at the beans and potatoes. It looks like a half-done Shepherd's Pie, without the Good Shepherd.


Hey. WHo said "marmalade?" I'm not using marmalade in anything yet. Whaddya think I AM? Some PBJ Pad Thai Cook? Next time...Hm...very white bread. I might make a good old fashioned sloppy joes with a TWIST--white bread smothered with cooked peanut butter and jam or jelly. MMMmmmmmmm. AhhhM HONGRY.

I listened to classical music while making my Italian-Thai Pad Thai. First it was Mozart and then this beautiful "Water Music" from either King George's Party On The Water or Mad King George's Parteee On The Water.

John Williams, "7 Years In Tibet"--very pretty. Wait, I don't know if that was the first or last one.

Oh, as I was cooking, I noticed a new item on the counter. A gigantic fire extinguisher.

Too bad I don't know how to use it. What am I going to do with a FIRE EXTINGUISHER?

Maybe I should bring it to my visit with my son tomorrow. I was going to get him some fun party poppers but this could be even better.

I should stop by the fire station first and get some plastic hats.

"What have you got Mama?! Mama, what have you got for me?" and I pull out this big red fire extinguisher, to the visitation monitor's delight. Today, Oliver, we're going to figure out, together, how to operate this thing. AND we're going to pull a REAL fire alarm too!

OOoh, I liked this Bach piece, violin, a lot,, with harpsichord and cello and someting about 3 minor or something and baroque. Very pretty.

Back to the fire extinguisher--Who says I'm not a good MOTHER?! Half assed crack asses do. I will do anything, clearly, to give my son a full "real life" experience and adventure. It would be great to get everyone out of the building and waiting for the fire truck, just for him. He'd LOVE it!

Oh here's a "broadside ballad" called "the country lass". My ass isn't broad yet, but I suppose some could call me "country". Then Renee Fleming is coming! I like her too.

This is a pretty voice, I don't know if it's Scottish or Irish. She just mentioned "sheep" so I'd better check on this "shepherd's pie incomplete" thing. Oh! It's English, Laura Something was the mezzo-soprano..Very nice.

Oh I like this song though.

I got my son a Mickey Mouse & Friends activity book, some organic milk, a 4 wheeler jeep, because I couldn't get him the whole kit he really wants, I just grabbed the first 4 wheeler I could find. It's a Jeep thing. And I went to the toybrary and got him a playdough kit and cutter thing and a lego kit with lights and things that move (I hope I can help with this bc I'm lousy at assembly), and I got him a doctor kit and then, I wanted to get him this barn with little animals but didn't have enough points. Next time probably and I almost think I should have gone for this instead of the lego assembly kit which I've no idea whether I'm competent to help with. It says age 7 and up but I'm about age 5 on assemblying things.

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