Wednesday, May 26, 2010

music--cornflake girl & crucify

Last night I had Tori Amos' "Cornflake Girl" come to mind and watched the UK version and U.S. official video versions. Then this morning, I scrolled down and found something that looked interesting--a live version, and this one is really good.

The piano is so great. AMAZING performance. Her voice--she doesn't need to be recorded, she can go live anytime and it's natural and her emotion is spot on. I wish I could play piano like that. She makes playing piano look like fun! I like the full intergration of the senses--the colors on the set, and the way she allows herself to express through not just the instrument of piano, but her voice, her heart, and her body in movement. Absolute artist. I like how she changes the lyrics at the end too, not about the man with the golden gun, but "in the plain wheat girl, you think you know so much"

Last night I almost fell asleep to a really cool classical piece with an amazing piano part but I don't remember what it was called.
I like her live. I'm looking for other live stuff.

Found some cool older versions of "crucify"
One stopped in the middle, kept stopping so I had to find another but want to go back to the other one too bc it was unique in its own way.

I think I like this one better. It's slightly more unstated but still sensitive.
This is the first one I pulled up and right from the start, this one creates a welling of something...not tears, but something rises inside of me. THe other one, i like, but the effect on me is somehow different. There is something special about this performance. I wonder where it was.

Here is Winter from the same performance. I want to find out where this concert was--out of curiosity.

Tear in My Hand:

I think I found the location. According to this poster:

"I was at this show, it was one of the best i have ever seen, this is from SUNY Albany's Page Hall, in the Fall of '92 or '93. It was basically the size of a lecture hall. Just listen to how silent the audience was, seeing this again brings me right back there. Outstanding."

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