Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Nightmare On FAFSA Street

My interactions with workers regarding FAFSA (I double copied a couple parts by mistake. It was a nightmare and then I had to go on the phone and get more information, first being handed off to an "Abby Schmidt" which only made me think about the poor Schmidts who I knew who were suing the Abbey years ago, and I got her through some "Conditional Disability" line which I only accessed so I could find out how to get to the people who handle other "mistakes" on loans which may qualify for discharge. I had one woman, named "Kim", discuss with me how someone who wants to apply for being a police officer but can't be one because of theft or criminal record, how this is one condition for being disqualified--if they can't get work for some reason like this. I'm not a criminal, but I then went off about what I and my family have been through because of things like "theft, fraud, assault, medication without consent,invasion of privacy" and other horrible things which would be considered crime were they not protected for by the feds or state. I said instead of going to different lenders who know nothing about what's going on, I should think someone with some knowledge of the whole situation could get involved.

I also have gone to counseling here but I still feel like the people from this state are just tied to the state. I don't know that it helps me to go and need a lawyer.

New party ('cameo garrett') has joined the session:
Welcome to FAFSA on the Web Customer Service Live Help!
New party ('Ben Hunter') has joined the session:
Ben Hunter: Thank you for contacting the Federal Student Aid Information Center. How may I help you today?

cameo garrett: hello, i would first need your customer service ID or the office you're out of. Are you in the State of Washington and familiar with Washington state laws with regard to FAFSA?

cameo garrett: hello?

cameo garrett: hello

cameo garrett: Mr. Hunter, do need special accomodations of any kind in this correspondence or should I try another agent? I have been waiting for 10 minutes for a response

Ben Hunter: I don't have a ID number and I work for The Federal Student Aid Information Center. I am not located in Washington. We have several location around the country and I am currently in the midwest.

cameo garrett: do the customer service agents give out their real names or are they required to, or can they use any name they like?

Ben Hunter: This is my real name.

cameo garrett: okay, i had a rep tell me to call a lender for loan forgiveness but she didn't understand my question.

Ben Hunter: What's your question exactly?

cameo garrett: if i am applying for total and absolute disability, for forgiveness of a student loan from the federal govt., don't I go through the dept. of ed?

Ben Hunter: You may have to work with the servicer of your loan because they may have their own process for that, but I can give you the number for the Conditional Disability Discharge Unit for more information. The number would be 1-888-869-4169.

cameo garrett: Thank you Ben. Now, my second question is who I could contact regarding a forgiveness for wrongful certification. If it's a wrongful certification of loans or ID problem or something like that, which was just discovered, what number do I call for this?

Ben Hunter: What do you mean by wrongful certification?

cameo garrett: For example, you know how there are only maybe 3-4 reasons for forgiveness of a loan?

cameo garrett: disability, death, wrongful certification, or ID theft (I don't know if there are other reasons but I think that's it...oh, and if a college went out of business or gave a bad degree)

cameo garrett: I signed for loans and they were not properly and correctly processed by either my college or the dept. of edu. so I need to know which dept. I would talk to about that.

cameo garrett: i don't mean, there were a couple mistakes here and there--they were falsely certified, so which department handles that?

Ben Hunter: Your State Licensing Agency.

cameo garrett: no, it's for my federal college loans.

cameo garrett: so i need to know which dept with the dept of education

Ben Hunter: You're saying that the school was falsely certified?

cameo garrett: just as there is a dept within the dept of education for conditional disability, I need to know which department handles the forgiveness aspect or investigation of other matters which warrant a full forgiveness of loans

cameo garrett: no, the college is legitimate but the loans i signed were not accurate

cameo garrett: and i have these records printed out and they state something other than what i applied for, so they were wrongly certified.

cameo garrett: so it was a problem with the actual loans and amount of money i received

cameo garrett: it has affected and affects my loan status so i believe it qualifies for possible forgiveness, or at the very least, an abatement and grant for me to be out of default and start over

cameo garrett: even if i qualify for full forgiveness and discharge of the loans, it's not what i would necessarily ask for.

cameo garrett: i would like to have it at least righted by allowing me to be considered to have been in deferment and then just get back into college

cameo garrett: SO, even though I may qualify for a full discharge of the loans, I am still willing to pay them back, and just would like to request allowance for the errors which affect my loans and timing and ability to go to college or be out of default

Ben Hunter: One moment while I check my resources.

Ben Hunter: Well it looks like you will still need to work with the lender to get a loan discharged because of false certification.

cameo garrett: okay, sorry, still here, just waiting

cameo garrett: i know i would after i get the go ahead from the dept. but first i need to know who to talk to at the dept. of education level

cameo garrett: sorry, but if you don't mind, that would be great. i just need the number and then can get started

Ben Hunter: There isn't one. The only other number I could give you if for the Ombudsman Office that would document your case for further review.

cameo garrett: why is there an office for conditional disability for discharge of loans but no other offices or numbers for the other reasons for discharge?

cameo garrett: I need the number for the dept. that directly handles the discharge of loans for the legal reasons provided by the u.s. dept. of education.

Ben Hunter: The number you will need to contact is (877) 557-2575

Ben Hunter: That's the Ombundsman office and works with department of education.

cameo garrett: the first agent i talked to couldn't even get as far as giving a number for the conditional disability.

cameo garrett: Yes, but I don't need the ombundsman office at this point. i need the dept. directly.

cameo garrett: i am reminded of this vehicle which passed me as I was walking down the sidewalk the other day, with a very loose tire that rattled and squeaked and could be heard almost a mile away.

cameo garrett: by the way, it was this very hot mini-van with a MADD mother behind the wheel

cameo garrett: So, I'm still waiting

Ben Hunter: Well you have to work with the lender in this case, but you said that you already have so if a borrower has tried all normal channels and the result does not appear to be a fair and equitable outcome than you would work with the ombudsman office.

cameo garrett: that doesn't make any sense.

cameo garrett: What shall I do if I'm applying for discharge because of death?

cameo garrett: contact all the lenders?

cameo garrett: or is there a "Conditional Death Department"?

Ben Hunter: A relative would contact the lender.

cameo garrett: a relative would contact all of the different lenders? or how about contacting someone in the dept. of education and saying, "Hey! guess what your job is? to contact the lenders should someone be in need of a discharge." I feel like I'm being asked to do the Dept.'s work for them

cameo garrett: And so, the lenders then each individually contact the Dept. of Education to say, "Oh hey, just had to let you know, 'another one bites the dust'"?

Ben Hunter: I've given you the information that you would need to follow in order to perform your task at hand. Whether you choose to follow my instructions is up to you.

cameo garrett: So the Dept. of Education gets contacted by possibly 10 different lenders who all send a card with a skeleton on it or a coffin, to announce someone has died? and the Dept. gets at least 10 death cards?

cameo garrett: I am still curious as to how organized and sensible this organization is because if this is the way it works, it might need some restructuring like the bankruptcy people

Ben Hunter: That's definitely something you can write to your congressman about.

cameo garrett: My loan info is given to me by FAFSA, which is Dept. of Education. The lenders are the little men. I don't see the point.

cameo garrett: So, I want to know, if someone dies, the Dept. has to get notice from each and every lender?

cameo garrett: Or, does the relative contact one person at the Dept to say "They've died" and then pass the word along to the little men?

cameo garrett: I am starting to feel like Gulliver

Ben Hunter: No, only the lenders would need to be contacted since they're the ones that the person would be paying back.

cameo garrett: but the loans come from the GOVERNMENT. The federal government

cameo garrett: I am talking about federal govt. loans, not private loans.

cameo garrett: stafford loans, perkins loans, unsubsidized and subsidized, etc

cameo garrett: So once the money goes from the feds to the lender, the lender is never responsible to the feds?

cameo garrett: it doesn't make sense that the person who is merely distributing funds, has control over whether to discharge them or not when the laws about discharge are coming from the feds, not the lenders

Too many messages submitted Live Help session has ended.


  1. someone who was on your sideMay 26, 2010 at 6:01 PM

    I think you were exceptionally rude to Ben hunter who was only trying to help. Just because, once again, you are having problems, doesn't mean that Ben Hunter is the reason. He tried to help you, but you were just so rude and disrespectful. Why are you like that?

  2. Why am I "like that?" Umm, I dunno. Maybe I and my son have been physically assaulted and abused, not just by gangsters and corporate gangsters but by government and political assholes. Maybe it's that I got tired of being nice to assholes for years when they cut me out of housing and work and punish me for THEIR wrongdoing. Oh, and that the U.S. has AlLOWED the frank kidnapping of my son might be another reason, combined with the fact that people in the Pentagon and CIA do know who I am and yet there is supposedly nothing they can do to step in and investigate or beat the tar out of the people who are behind this. Oh, and maybe being medicated and put on birth control all this time that I've been trying to fight for my son...maybe that affected me. Being put off and on crap and drugs without my consent, and having someone use fucking military equipment which was evidenced on my FACE which I photographed, and then assaulted me when I go for hikes, oh, and maybe being poisoned twice and having people try to cover for this, including a FEW FBI assholes who are as corrupt as shit, while, in the meantime, I'm a threat to the strategies of some other groups who want to put religious parties into positions of power and I am some kind of sneaker wave threat...well, all those things, including having my heart almost fail, spitting up blood because of the overheating and technology shit I've had to deal with and seeing the warped nails of both me and my son and being mocked at the same time by petty people who have nothing better to do than feel insecure and elevated by seeing someone else fail...oh, and maybe having been set up to go to federal prison by someone claiming to love me and yet screwing me over on the side, well...

  3. Hmmm. And taking my son from me and not doing anything to provide normal legal representation and instead rewarding assholes for doing nothing as I'm set up to run through hoops so they can try to make me into what they want me to be and use both me and my son as guinea pigs. Hmmm, and then seeing the name "Dawn Edward" after bringing up Edward from the CIA and then next, "Ben Hunter" after seeing the huge sign in the office where I was making a call from, which says "HUNTER" in large print....

    You could say, after I am talking to different telephone companies and getting sent all over the place, and then being trashed so no decent man would ever want to be with me, and having my son tortured, and oh I don't know...what ELSE?

    The federal communications people can't figure it out and neither can the computer people. Hmmm. I have fucking dept. of justice assholes attacking me in taxis in D.C. just to steal my cell phone.

    Then I have a ton of international people all over my fucking ass and then the main people who wanted to get rid of me, and keep me down, satisfied I'm down and going nowhere.

    Why am I rude to "Ben Hunter"? Because fucking "Ben Hunter" is probably another CIA asshole acting out a telecenter response or just another idiot I have to deal with. Guess who I was connected to when I called the IRS? really interesting names.

    I look up something about pyschic anything and I get ads for colon cleansing like it's a mockery of princess di and I have state workers HERE, mocking me at every single fucking visit with my son and preventing me from documenting ANYTHING.

    My son has been denied normal objective medical care as have I, and I've been called crazy but the most idiotic, sadistic, and CRAZY people I've had the misfortune of being around in a long time.

    My legs start swelling up and I start having technology crap and stomach pain when I was claiming to be pregnant again. If I had been prengant, it would have been another miscarriage.

    He tried to help? No, he was a step up from the other people but he did not give me the information i needed, and he knew it and I got it later over the phone with someone else. As for the IRS, I never would have gotten anywhere if I hadn't finally insisted someone sit there and witness the runaround I was getting.

    There is a thing called "righteous anger" and I have every right to be angry and if you're reading my blog, you really don't fucking need to ask why.
