Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Totally Corrupt Wenatchee--Police & State Workers--Civil Suit?

The white car facing left is the Douglas County Sheriff's vehicle and the blue sedans are Wenathcee police. I was standing in front of the Davis Arneil law firm when I took the photo.

This town is so corrupt it's unbelievable.

I have people cracking down now, doing all they can, to smear me and discredit me and keep my son from me. I don't know of hardly anyone that's decent. There are a few, and the good are in hiding.

I think some groups are afraid of the pressure and the heat or information they are concerned I could share. It has to be this, or I wouldn't be getting more of the same.

I went to this one therapist, twice. The second time there was nothing odd in the room, but the first time, she had the double everything, and a large cantalope sitting on her desk, whole, when my son had made comments about how I couldn't "elope" with "Henry" in one of our visits where the state workers had put a ton of stuff out with the Princess crap and then a guy on a horse after I had just, the night before, looked up a photo and saw this one of Harry ranching somewhere. So they had a new toy out and then my son is saying this, and people were associating "2" with HIM (and I think something else too) and this therapist had this in her office, which wouldn't be a big deal, if she didn't also have an identical "ring" a plastic one, which was left on top of a table in the visitation room on another visit. It was yellow and plastic and shaped like a dandilion seed and someone from Wenatchee state offices, or one of the workers, put this in the room for me to "find" after it looked like my Ex and I were NOT going to get back together and ONE or TWO visits after I'd been bringing dandilion seeds to my son, for him to blow out and make wishes on.

The only state worker who witnessed my bringing these dandilion seeds for wishes, was the visitation monitor, Anne. I think others saw me bring him the wish seeds, but she was the main state worker. At any rate, she sees the same thing I see at every visit.

So, it was 2 visits after I started bringing my son these wish seeds to blow out, that a state worker put a plastic wish seed ring on the table.

When I met this therapist, she was matching not just the cantalope thing (with 2 waters side by side next to it), but the dandilion ring.

The sad thing, is that I felt she could be good. In fact, in general, I think she is good, or would be good. But she is clearly tied in with the state workers at CPS offices if she is displaying this stuff first visit with me. The next one she didn't have anything out but she tried to say that while I didn't "ramble" at all, and while I was "on track" in every way, she was saying she thought it was funny how I believed people followed me.

Shit. I thought. Everyone knows this and why would this be hard to believe? Then, she was saying why did I think people were doing things, and this was right after I told her how, in Oregon, in Portland, Oregon, I tried to have my knee taken care of at a hospital and some of the people there knew I was on my way because I told a lot of people. So I ended up going, and 3 X-rays were taken of my knee, but I didn't know this. I was only shown 2 of the X-rays and they said nothing was wrong. I found out later the doctor had concealed the 3rd one from me, when I went back, and this one showed a clear fracture (the broken off piece of femur). So I was told I had a "sprain" and to "do squats" as my knee deteriorated away and I didn't get a surgery until 7 months later.

So I tell her this and then she said she found it hard to believe. She said she was Catholic and had heard stories of people with abuse and nothing like what I was talking about. I said, "So you have never heard of people who are in the middle of litigation being followed? because I know that a few of the SNAP workers are well aware that sometimes victims have people parking outside their houses or otherwise trying to intimidate them." (sometimes people having nothing to do with Catholicism but just greedy secular lawyers who are representing insurance companies with no care for souls or religion at all, one way or the other). She said well yes, she's heard of this.

She had Beatles photos all over her office, which was cool, but after seeing a state connection with stuff she had on her desk, and hearing she was from University of Washington and Seattle University, I began to wonder. I also don't know if she's just another Protestant who is a liar (believe me, lots of them here, and religion no matter and no difference) and going to defend CPS and state people and doctors for the sake of politics, or if she is really a "lapsed Catholic" as she claims. She said she has recently been going to the Nazarene church but I don't know why.

I didn't bash the Catholic church at all and she said it just didn't reconcile with her but her son was and so was his wife. A handsome couple. I think it was more the idea that someone was going to be working with state workers to screw me over again, that concerns me. Otherwise, I won't say her name, and I think she's a lovely woman and actually liked her, and her personality. I did take a look at the photo of her daughter in law and son and thought, "Oh no." I could do a "reading" from that photograph and her son's wife is pretty much the EXACT OPPOSITE and NOTHING like me at all. And she was really proud of her and i could see why, bc she's beautiful and looks sweet, but I saw this couple and thought, "This therapist is never going to think someone like me is fine, no matter what."

If I just saw the photo, no judgment. But my fears already, are that there are a lot of medical ties with the University of Washington and their med schools and they coordinate a lot with Wenatchee. I think religion is maybe just slightly a concern, but I wouldn't judge one way or the other on that unless there was something else that stood out. Seriously. I liked her better than the other therapist and I think the other one, Jennifer Higgins, was totally Protestant with no Catholic background, so I'm not going by religion, and have put it past but still wary of patterns or connections. And believe me, there are a LOT of rotten Protestants in this town too. This is one time where I really think "faith without works is dead" is just lost on them.

I said I wanted my son to come, just to find an excuse to spend more time with him, and bc he'd like the toys, but then she said he could come as a "secondary victim" because I was a victim of sexual assault and so he was a secondary victim because I had that in my past.

However, I am not a victim of sexual assault. I am a survivor and I moved past that. My SON is, in NO way, a "victim" of my past. NOTHING in my PAST that has happened to ME, affects ME except for what Wenatchee and this STATE did in traumatizing him by removing him from a loving and attentive mother.

If my son is a victim, it's not secondary. It's that he is a VICTIM of kidnapping by these social workers and community and state, under auspices of legal goodwill. This is the most incredible and illegal thing and the MOST traumatic thing that my son has experienced and he STILL suffers by being in this community. If my son needs counseling, he needs it NOW because of state actions, NOT because there was anything wrong with my parenting or because anything in my "past" affects my parenting. My SON needs counseling and a fucking MRI because of abuse and neglect by Wenatchee and Washington state workers and corrupt police who cover for others who are up to NO good.

I don't fault the therapist at all for bringing this up. Logical and helpful idea, but I just thought, "What the HELL am I doing here in 'counseling' when my 'issues' are about what the people have done to my SON and obstruction of justice and corruption?"

I have these state workers trying to bring up "past" things to displace blame for what THEY have done. Yes, I know some very bad things began at a certain point, but things died down until the medical professionals here got nervous and ganged up, with literal gangs, to HARM me and my son.

Of course, the medical community and federal people don't like it when I bring up things like experimentation on children either, at federally funded clinics where kids who are not even citizens of the U.S. get "free care" in exchange for being given old batches of vaccinations which contain poisons and toxins.

I think one of the biggest BULLSHIT cover-ups, which I'm hearing has spread to Europe in some parts as well, is the idea that mercury doesn't affect or cause or increase the risk of autism. This is BS and there IS a link and yet the vaccinations are coming from governmnet sources, so good luck suing. It's going to be 10x worse than suing a cigarette company. I'd sue Marlboro before I'd sue the U.S. Or, at least, think I'd win.

So I start shaking up the town and they don't like it. Even though what I was initially doing was to benefit other parents and kids as well as my own child because I realized this state, Washington State, is a primary designated spot for scientific experiments of all kinds, and has a long historical basis in fact for this, going back to before WWII. Washington State is one of the number 1 top states which employs doctors and scientists and military to conduct military and government experiments from everything from medicine, vaccines, nuclear studies (Hanford was never "dormant" and is next door), and then cyber and military technology.

So combine this, along with my previous problems which sort of began with litigation in Oregon, and I have a real mess on my hands, with no one looking out for my son or me, who has power, because the real powers that be here LOCK their people in and use intimidation and threats to keep them there. People here talk about "benefits". They aren't talking about normal benefits. They are talking about problems that anyone will have if you don't go along with what happens in this state and who controls it.

If I went along, I would get fun little texts on my phone and maybe be told to wear this or that t-shirt and do favors for people and set stuff up to psych other people out. If I'm willing to be a bully, I might get a job here. I would also suddenly heighten my own level of fear as my personal power and autonomy was instantly decreased. When you start agreeing to be a part of something, you are agreeing to be scum if they want you to be scum and yet you are giving your CONSENT to do it.

People can push you down deliberately to degrade you, but still everyone knows it's because you refuse to be a "team player" which here, is not being part of a team but a bullying committee. I would rather have everyone know I am not doing well because I don't go along with corruption, than agree to do what people want me to do and be a fucking pawn like the rest and scared that if I don't do this or that, I will be punished and lose my job or have a real gang come in. These people try to hook you into doing something they can later blackmail you on or threaten you with.

There has never been anything on me so instead I've been under false arrest and jailed wrongly, twice in this town. Oh, and if there is more heat now, it might be because of what I shared with the therapist, and I don't see how sharing with HER, when she could share information with her son or others she knows, will backfire and cause others to put more heat on me.

I guess I could just keep going to counseling and keep it to what I decide to discuss. I don't have to talk about anything I don't want to bring up and I am thinking I need to take back control, and go, to say I'm going, and yet talk about things which will not be held against me. Even then, I don't know. Because she said no notes are taken so it is just her word.

I went to see this first woman, Jennifer Higgens and she was also from Seattle and went to Boston University and basically discouraged me from going and the director was trying to say I couldn't go for counseling when I said I had to do this to prove I wasn't nuts and show mental stability on a regular basis. But Higgins didn't want any part of it and tried to say I didn't qualify. So then I mentioned how I DO qualify and asked where their funding was coming from and scheduled an appointment with her. What did she do?

She set it up and then when I arrived, she had cancelled on me. It wasn't even in the normal appointment book even though she confirmed a time with me and I showed up. I was informed that she wouldn't be available later that day anyway because she was going to be in a meeting with CPS all day.


Like that's not trying to send a message. Screw you and your therapy, but I wanted you to know I am meeting with the people who are "in charge" here--your adversaries and those who have done everything to PREVENT reunification with your child and who illegally took him to begin with.

So, I tried to give the director a benefit of a doubt, in case she didn't realize how I DO "qualify" and how I wanted to do it simply until I had someone to say this was all a bunch of bullshit. So I did, and she said she was just going by what Jennifer told her and had not seen any of my records bc they were confidential. SO I accepted this. Then I find out there's a big CPS meeting and really, if in any way, I felt CPS was trying to do the right thing, I would be so happy to be a part of things.

I also like the "personality" of the therapist. It's just that people here are aligned a certain way and one is hard-pressed to find someone who will be objective. I would like to think that she would work in my favor and be able to vouch for me about how there is nothing wrong with me that affects parenting, but how do I know this?

I see no efforts from the state or CPS.

So people lately have decided to become extremely lax in guarding themselves and have just gone all out to harass me and continue to harass my son. My son is still being brainwashed and it's not by my family.

Anne, the visitation monitor, is a serious concern to me, as the other one was as well. She put my son's shoes on him backwards and tried to blame HIM and she's still there. She also today purposefully popped a balloon that was orange which my son brought in and it caused my son a lot of distress because he had not wanted it to be popped and she KNEW this and did it anyway.

Whatever Anne's connections are, is anyone's guess. I know she acted really pissed when I brought in balloons for my son to pop one day. She was pissed! and not because he was popping balloons either. I think it's because she felt it was the idea that I was sending a signal to someone and she didn't like it because she is connected to it.

So she took this balloon that my son brought in and popped it and my son looked so worried and said to me, "Oh no!" and said the balloon Pablo made was popped and he was worried and something was going on, but it was clear ANNE knew what was going on and did it intentionally. I said, "Oliver, it's okay. Don't worry. I will make sure Pablo knows you didn't do it and neither did I. ANNE did it and it was an mistake and an accident Oliver."

To HIM, I didn't portray her as one of the monsters he has to deal with.

She told me today that she didn't know if Oliver could see me next week for the full 4 hours. I said why not and she said, "Monday is a holiday" and I said, "The department knows this ahead of time and you're supposed to work around it because this is why I was going to change visits from Mondays and Wednesdays to Wednesdays and Fridays."

I said if not Monday, then we, Oliver and I, wanted time Wednesday for 4 hours or Wednesday and Friday and she said maybe Friday but she had to check with Michelle because Michelle arranges the guards. WHich means she already wanted to deny my son a visit because in the past she never says she has to check with Michelle on anything but just looks at her own schedule and asks if it works for me, knowing the guards, at least one, is always available. They are unnecessary to begin with.

My son began lying down and sucking his thumb and I said, "Do you want to see Mama next week for our visits?" and he nodded solemnly while staring at me and I said, "Well, Mama is trying to make sure that this happens."

I also prayed for my son in this visit, out loud, when he said his tummy hurt, and one would think that if Anne were a believer, she would not have a problem with this. But I prayed for him for healing and for justice and maybe she didn't like this idea. I prayed out loud that he would be able to see doctors from out of the area who are objective and that people from out of the area would come in and hold others accountable. I prayed for full Justice for my son and protection and asked that those who dare to harm him in anyway receive double what they put upon my son. And then later I prayed that my prayers would not be returned but would be sent out and received and nothing could stop them from going through as requested.

So the other day, I was walking to where I stay and this cop was coming down the road and looking at me. I've had this happen a few times lately.

I was harassed today by teens and pre-teens and I wanted to know where it was stemming from. Wouldn't ya know...

I saw all these looks being exchanged and then discovered collusion with the kids who were harassing me and their parents and some of it involved other OFFICERS.

As I'm making this discovery, of course, a few people are driving out of the law firm of Davis Arneil and smirking, and as the officer pulled up, the first one, a woman comes pulling in, to talk about a "foster kid" she was dropping off and smirks to the police office and others in the neighborhood. I thought it was sick. The poor kid in the back didn't appreciate being referred to as a "foster" kid either. He looked horrible and sad. He was old enough to understand exactly how he was described. He was referred to, not by name, but as "a foster child".

Also, before I get into what happened any further, while I was working on things on my college application, some teen comes in to talk loudly, on the phone, in that lobby, about being a "foster kid" who was getting a job because of his "foster mom".

So today, I prayed for my son and for his protection by God and his angels and etc, and this one officer was possibly involved in inciting children to harass me to begin with.

Okay, backing up...

I started walking down a sidestreet and a group of teens was gathered outside and started name calling and calling after me and there were a couple of smaller kids, about age 8 or so, but the main group was a group of 5 and they were all around 12-15years of age. This person I stay with put on some huge star t-shirt and was sitting out later watching everything. At one point he had said he knew some police and people around and if he's connected to what happened today, it's not good. He also claims his family is from the Nazarene church but he was going to the Anglican one and I do not think that Anglican priest is on my side at all. Well, not Anglican--Episcopalian. He came into town and I wanted to know why his interest in me and it is only one of 2 things: good or bad. Period. And what I feel, is that someone thinks that just because someone has an English accent, I'm going to start pouring out all of my most intimate secrets and details. I don't know enough about him one way or the other but this other guy's dad is military--Army.

The other day I said, "I know people HAVE died for me and not tried to use me" and he responded quickly, "Yeah, a Marine. A Marine died for you."

What is that supposed to be about. A Marine died for me? really? so who? someone I was suppposed to know? or was he trying to imply my grandfather, who was a Marine, died for me? and why would anyone need to die for me anyway? I just said this and then he responded.

SO these kids are all out there and start yelling at me, and saying, "Hey! Cami! CAMI!" which is not what I go by but what I guess the Rabbi's wife used to call me and I've told people I don't like being called Cami. So for whatever reason, they all start yelling at me and mocking me and really unbelievable.

I mean, one child or even 2, no big deal. I've even seen groups of 3 sort of scowling or doing a few things, but would I ever care? NO. Kids are kids and teens are teens, and even adults can be total assholes. But this was something planned and it was "different".

So I turned and asked where their parents were. They continued to mock, not all, but very cocky and I thought, they were clearly set up to say what they've said and do what they just did. So then I wanted to know who their parents were and I said just because they were teens didn't mean what they were doing was legal and could be considered to be harassment. I wasn't going to make a big deal about it, but questioned who was involved. So I call Rivercom and the group tells this one kid "Patrick" to run and get out of there.

Why? Oh I sure found out why. Patrick was the son of a sheriff. Yep, one of the local sheriffs and guess where the other 8 year ran to when calling for a parent? the same direction, I later discovered, from where this sheriff lives.

I didn't know this at first.

I just knew these kids KNEW that "Patrick" needed to scram and fast. So Patrick takes off and to Patricks' OWN credit, he was one child who apologized for his own behavior. He knew it was wrong. So he runs off and I'm wondering WHY the other kids knew he should take off if police were coming. I actually can't say the other girl came from the same house, but she came back with her mother and another woman from down the road, the same direction.

So I just wanted to document it because I am tired of being harassed in this town, and it's not normal harassment, but intimidation and is being instigated by ADULTS.

Would I be so petty as to go after children or teenagers? No.

But with the corruption involving ADULTS, you follow the line to where it's coming from and the kid leads to a parent.

So I call Rivercom, which sounded petty I know, but it was for a reason. So the same guy who was driving by the other night comes over and I told him I wanted back up. When I saw the look he exchanged with this mother, who was yelling that I could bring in her "DOC officer" if I wanted to, and saw him smirking with her, I knew I needed another person because my opinion was that he was going to do nothing and write ME up as being nutty.

So when I saw him exchange looks and smirking with the neighbors I said I wanted another person there. He got there and I overheard her telling him I was mentally ill and she used to live with me. She said I had a mental problem and I was almost a half block away, but I guess since I have a slight astigmatism in my eyes, people think I'm also hard of hearing.

I also knew the reason the harassment is increasing is because some people are feeling more confident in their ability to degrade me or do whatever they want and then try to claim I am just mentally ill. So, the better they feel their odds are, in getting people to believe I'm discredited, the more harassment I have to endure.

So I told him I wasn't mentally ill and I didn't appreciate being harassed and wanted it documented in case it happened later and I needed to have a record alrready of who was involved and I felt the parents should know. He wasn't even going to write a report but I asked him to and then when I asked that he document the names of the teens involved, he wouldn't. He said he would do it later, and I know how that has worked out in the past.

So I called Rivercom again and said I wanted another person to come to note the names because this officer, when I called for Rivercom, told the other teens to scram. Seriously. So of course, he was REAL serious about documenting who they were. When I saw those teen boys running off and knowing another officer wouldn't be there in time, after this Phil Thompson told the kids to make a run for it, I ran after them.

Which was sort of hilarious. They were on their little scooters and then running by foot and here I am, chasing after them with an officer staring in shock and my bag with the peacock feathers flapping. At least I had my fucking tennis shoes on. I just wanted them to run home so I could let their parents know or figure out why the other officer didn't want me to know more about where some of this was stemming from.

My instincts were right. Big Daddy for Patrick was a cop. YEEeeee-HAW. Where's my lasso.

First though, I followed the teenagers and chased them down the alley. I cannot believe I was able to keep up but they didn't live very far, just a few blocks. So they hightailed it to one house and the mother came out and I was polite and said I just wanted to let her know what was going on and she was fine. I mean, she wasn't rude. At the same time there was another woman across the street with huge dogs that were fucking twins and the ugliest mutts I've ever seen. I don't know what breed, but no thank you, I don't want one. So then I was thinking this was some kind of set up or something but I don't know.

I followed the kids but then this cop, Phil, came chasing ME down with his little beeper and lights on, and I crossed through a cutaway and ignored him and he had to go around and by that time I found out where the kids were. So he comes up trying to say my following kids that he had told to "run" was "harassment". I said, "No it's not. The parents have a right to know what their kids are up to." He was SO pissed and I literally thought he was going to try to arrest ME and I was already talking to one of the mothers and we were cordial with one another and she was polite. Thompson said, "No you weren't, you were trying to get their NAMES." and I said I had a right to documentation if it was an issue down the road and the parents also had a right to know. So I literally thought he was going to try to arrest me and then this other woman cop came up and said everything was fine.

So then I'm walking down the sidewalk, which is torwards this Davis Arneil firm, and who do I see? PATRICK.

Patrick was outside and there was some other white guy and then the other woman and the other kids were all standing out on the lawn, chatting like best friends until they saw ME. I did NOT even NOTICE what kind of car was parked in front of that house until I was passing by, not saying anything, but they had this white dog outside and were saying over and over, "Angel! come here Angel!" Like, a whole group of 10 or more are calling out for this dog "Angel" to stop following me (friendly dog). So when I turned to look and see what house number Patrick was at, I noticed the cop car. OH MY GOSH, I thought. They are FRIENDS with that COP and that COP is Patrick's DAD. They ran to HIM to tattle about ME.

It was a Douglas County Sheriff's car. The guy looked at me and said, when he saw me peering at the car, "Douglas County".

Jolly good times here.

The thing is, "Patrick" looked like Thompson's son, not the other cops son. Who knows, but something was up. So then they are all standing on the lawn and I got my laptop out because I needed a photo and this one guy who said "Douglas County" was cocky enough to WAVE at me while I took a photo.

So THEN (fast times at ridgemont high)...So THEN (taking another piece of Valium and breathing first)...So I took a couple photos and then the other police came over and it was clear that Thompson knew the other cop. Which isn't surprising in a small town, but this was very weird.

As I was taking a photo, I am noticing how this house is only a few houses down from the law firm of Davis Arneil. A woman came out and was seeing the whole thing and smirking.

As soon as I put in the first call to Rivercom, there was an entourage of cars driving by that intersection. People here tune in with their scanners, to Rivercom and what is going on. Because at least 25 or more cars came piling down a street that's a dead-end.

Just unbelievable.

I mean, this was a very small incident and I find out there is a direct link between the harassment against me and local police.

The Douglas County guy was even saying, mocking, "You want my business card?" and I said, "yeah." but then he didn't give it to me.
I went to a cafe and started writing and listened to indigo girls "Galileo" over and over and then "least complicated" and then I played Romeo & Juliet and just discovered this illustration, which is really what caught my eye. That's how I feel. This is what I am walking on.

It makes me think about the story I read to my son, about The Runaway Bunny and how the Mama bunny will walk on a tightrope to get to her little bunny. I have said to him, "Look, it's very dangerous, but the Mama is going to do whatever it takes to get to her little bunny."
I believe the address where the guy with the Douglas County Sheriff's car was parked was 119 Delaware. The plates on the car were 909186 Washington but I don't know what the ID number on the car was. He was wearing a purple and grey shirt from some team in Wenatchee or Washington I think.

The other house the kids ran to was 140 Delaware, where the woman was nice and I don't know who she's connected to, but I don't think it was her fault. And not all the kids lived there. The minivan parked in the back near the house, which is the back entrance to where they went, had plates of 561 RZX, WA.

The license plate of the woman who drived by, smirking, asking Thompson if she could drop off "a foster kid" had the WA plates of 853 TTP, silver sedan.

The case# I was given was 10W07296 and who knows how Thompson wrote that one up.

The woman who was fairly nasty and telling the officer there was something wrong with me, identified herself and I gave her name to Rivercom. Rosario Gonzales or something. I don't remember the last name.
I like this song's from Indigo Girls "Hammer & A Nail". Just listening to a string of those songs but they have the best harmonies:

Did I ever mention that I want my son back?

I really don't want to have to file a fucking civil suit against this whole county. I'd just rather not. I'd like to think someone is going to back the fuck off, leave my son alone, and just dig yourselves out of your own hole instead of trying to drag me down with you.

I might be down, but the evidence is building for making a very good fucking case and one which would potentially cost a hell of a lot more than any minor medical malpractice claim on behalf of a little boy.

All I have to do is start stringing things together to prove collusion and obstruction of justice and abuse and neglect of a child as well as intimidation of a witness and a whole shitload of other things.

If you think trying to harm my son is going to get you somewhere, you're wrong. I will press in harder and faster and you WILL be caught and convicted and you do NOT know who the fuck is really on your side or who is doing an investigation on YOUR fucking ass.

I like this song...first time I've heard it, by Melissa Etheridge:

I like the lyrics on romantic love on a personal level and then the video for teens in a bad situation who I hope can learn to stand on their own regardless of what their parents might encourage. Made me think about this one teen girl.

Some guy is probably going to accuse me of being a lesbian again, simply because it's a song by Melissa Etheridge. He thought that bc I had an impression of this one lawyer in fishnet stockings, that I was bi or something. It had NOTHING to do with being bi and wasn't an "impression" one gets out of a fantasy or something. It was a bona fide image and I didn't know why I had it. It wasn't anything to do about attraction. It could have been a man in fishnet and I still would have seen what I saw, and it wasn't a fantasy thing. I had the feeling it had more to do with her own life or romance or a situation of some kind but I don't know what. I wasn't going to ask. I didn't tell him who it was or give any clues at all bc while I want to document it in case that person reads it and it resonates, it's no one else's business.

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